Monday, December 30, 2019
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald - 944 Words
While most novels that are read for school typically use physical objects and maybe even characters as forms of symbolism to convey a deeper meaning within that is not in the same realm as the main plot, The Great Gatsby written by F. Scott Fitzgerald is notable for using different colors as symbols to display deeper themes. In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald uses various colors to describe the qualities of different characters and the circumstances of events that take place within the story. Three colors and their symbolic meaning in the novel come to mind with this topic: green is used mainly to convey a meaning of perhaps unreachable hope or desire, the color grey is utilized as an indicator of lifelessness or otherwise a sense of â€Å"boredom†, and the color yellow is generally a strong descriptor of death and corruption. Whether or not they showed up for a prolonged period of time, all three of these colors are quite important at different points in the novel. The first notable color that showed up in The Great Gatsby is green. This color is a strong portrayer of â€Å"hope†, or otherwise â€Å"desire†that may be too difficult to actually reach. It portrays a very large part of the plot well, and is highly indicative of what happens later-on in the bulk of the story; this specific instance is described early, specifically at the end of the first chapter. During that moment in the novel, Jay Gatsby is first â€Å"seen†, and is described standing at the end of his dockShow MoreRelatedThe Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald1393 Words  | 6 PagesF. Scott Fitzgerald was the model of the American image in the nineteen twenties. He had wealth, fame, a beautiful wife, and an adorable daughter; all seemed perfect. Beneath the gilded faà §ade, however, was an author who struggled with domestic and physical difficulties that plagued his personal life and career throughout its short span. This author helped to launch the t heme that is so prevalent in his work; the human instinct to yearn for more, into the forefront of American literature, where itRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1343 Words  | 6 PagesHonors English 10 Shugart 18 Decemeber 2014 The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald s 1925 novel The Great Gatsby is a tragic love story, a mystery, and a social commentary on American life. The Great Gatsby is about the lives of four wealthy characters observed by the narrator, Nick Carroway. Throughout the novel a mysterious man named Jay Gatsby throws immaculate parties every Saturday night in hope to impress his lost lover, Daisy Buchanan. Gatsby lives in a mansion on West Egg across from DaisyRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1155 Words  | 5 PagesThe Great Gatsby The Jazz Age was an era where everything and anything seemed possible. It started with the beginning of a new age with America coming out of World War I as the most powerful nation in the world (Novel reflections on, 2007). As a result, the nation soon faced a culture-shock of material prosperity during the 1920’s. Also known as the â€Å"roaring twenties†, it was a time where life consisted of prodigality and extravagant parties. Writing based on his personal experiences, author F. ScottRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1166 Words  | 5 Pagesin the Haze F. Scott Fitzgerald lived in a time that was characterized by an unbelievable lack of substance. After the tragedy and horrors of WWI, people were focused on anything that they could that would distract from the emptiness that had swallowed them. Tangible greed tied with extreme materialism left many, by the end of this time period, disenchanted. The usage of the literary theories of both Biographical and Historical lenses provide a unique interpretation of the Great Gatsby centered aroundRead MoreThe Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald845 Words  | 3 PagesIn F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, The Great Gatsby, colors represent a variety of symbols that relate back to the American Dream. The dream of being pure, innocent and perfect is frequently associated with the reality of corruption, violence, and affairs. Gatsby’s desire for achieving the American Dream is sought for through corruption (Schneider). The American Dream in the 1920s was perceived as a desire of w ealth and social standings. Social class is represented through the East Egg, the WestRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald Essay970 Words  | 4 Pagesrespecting and valuing Fitzgerald work in the twenty-first century? Fitzgerald had a hard time to profiting from his writing, but he was not successful after his first novel. There are three major point of this essay are: the background history of Fitzgerald life, the comparisons between Fitzgerald and the Gatsby from his number one book in America The Great Gatsby, and the Fitzgerald got influences of behind the writing and being a writer. From childhood to adulthood, Fitzgerald faced many good andRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald2099 Words  | 9 Pagesauthor to mirror his life in his book. In his previous novels F. Scott Fitzgerald drew from his life experiences. He said that his next novel, The Great Gatsby, would be different. He said, â€Å"In my new novel I’m thrown directly on purely creative work†(F. Scott Fitzgerald). He did not realize or did not want it to appear that he was taking his own story and intertwining it within his new novel. In The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, he imitates his lifestyle through the Buchanan family to demonstrateRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1607 Words  | 7 Pages The Great Gatsby is an American novel written in 1925 by F. Scott Fitzgerald. One of the themes of the book is the American Dream. The American Dream is an idea in which Americans believe through hard work they can achieve success and prosperity in the free world. In F. Scott Fitzgerald s novel, The Great Gatsby, the American Dream leads to popularity, extreme jealousy and false happiness. Jay Gatsby’s recent fortune and wealthiness helped him earn a high social position and become one of the mostRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1592 Words  | 7 PagesMcGowan English 11A, Period 4 9 January 2014 The Great Gatsby Individuals who approach life with an optimistic mindset generally have their goals established as their main priority. Driven by ambition, they are determined to fulfill their desires; without reluctance. These strong-minded individuals refuse to be influenced by negative reinforcements, and rely on hope in order to achieve their dreams. As a man of persistence, the wealthy Jay Gatsby continuously strives to reclaim the love of hisRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1646 Words  | 7 PagesThe 1920s witnessed the death of the American Dream, a message immortalized in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. Initially, the American Dream represented the outcome of American ideals, that everyone has the freedom and opportunity to achieve their dreams provided they perform honest hard work. During the 1920s, the United States experienced massive economic prosperity making the American Dream seem alive and strong. However, in Fitzgerald’s eyes, the new Am erican culture build around that
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Evaluating the Argument that Powers and Privileges of...
Evaluating the Argument that Powers and Privileges of Parliament Increased Steadily at the Expense of Royal Power During the period 1529 - 1640 the parliament in Britain altered dramatically. The sources provide a valuable insight into the argument that the powers and privileges of parliament increased steadily at the expense of royal power. To assess the role of parliament there needs to be evidence from the sources to suggest that parliaments powers and privileges were increasing between 1529-1640. The functions of parliament were wide ranging and this is supported by Source 2. Sir Thomas Smith believes the most high and absolute power in the realm of England consisteth in the parliament.†¦show more content†¦Source 3 shows MPs asserting their rights and trying to make Queen Elizabeth define limits of parliamentary privilege. They were trying to change their role and Elizabeth does show some discretion giving them freedom of speech, but they are restricted to only matters the monarch presents them with. Even though parliament is showing more power it is only at the request of the monarch they can assert it and this could be very rarely as Elizabeth only called parliament 13 times during 45 years. There is also evidence in the sources that challenges the theory there was a steady increase in parliaments power. Parliaments power varied greatly with each monarch. Queen Elizabeth liked to keep parliament under control. She granted them freedom of speech but with great limitations and they were not to frame a form of religion or a state of government according to source 3. Liberty with due limitation is what its referred to. According to source 6 Charles I was able to raise money himself using subsidies as a form of collectable tax. A Petition of Right was passed in return for 5 subsidies but as he no longer needed parliament he dissolved it and did not call upon it again for 11 years. During this time parliaments power couldnt have increased steadily as they had no say in the running of the country. Source 4 states that during Henry VII reign theShow MoreRelatedRoyal Ahold Scandal21870 Words  | 88 PagesNo. 2005–57 ROYAL AHOLD: A FAILURE OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND AN ACCOUNTING SCANDAL By Abe de Jong, Douglas V. DeJong, Gerard Mertens, Peter Roosenboom March 2005 ISSN 0924-7815 Royal Ahold: A Failure of Corporate Governance and an Accounting Scandal Abe de Jong* Department of Financial Management Erasmus University Rotterdam Douglas V. DeJong Tippie College of Business University of Iowa Gerard Mertens Department of Financial Management ErasmusRead MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words  | 658 Pagesin the automotive industry. VSM – the development of global competitive strategy in a declining market. Thorntons – a variety box of strategies in the manufacture and retail of chocolates. Burmah/BP – selling-off the company as a strategic choice. Royal Bank of Scotland – corporate level strategy as seen by the company chairman. Coopers Creek – developments in domestic and international collaboration for a New Zealand winery. KPMG (B) – building a global firm in professional services. Eden ProjectRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words  | 862 PagesGeneral Management California College for Health Sciences MBA Program McGraw-Hill/Irwin abc McGraw−Hill Primis ISBN: 0−390−58539−4 Text: Effective Behavior in Organizations, Seventh Edition Cohen Harvard Business Review Finance Articles The Power of Management Capital Feigenbaum−Feigenbaum International Management, Sixth Edition Hodgetts−Luthans−Doh Contemporary Management, Fourth Edition Jones−George Driving Shareholder Value Morin−Jarrell Leadership, Fifth Edition Hughes−Ginnett−CurphyRead MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words  | 1351 Pagesmarketing Summary Appendix: The drivers of consumer change 6 Approaches to competitor analysis 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 Learning objectives Introduction Against whom are we competing? Identifying and evaluating competitors’ strengths and weaknesses Evaluating competitive relationships and analysing how organizations compete Identifying competitors’ objectives Identifying competitors’ likely response profiles Competitor analysis and the development of strategy The competitive intelligenceRead MoreInternational Management67196 Words  | 269 Pagesenvironments persist. The challenges for international management reflect this dynamism and the increasing unpredictability of global economic and political events. Continued growth of the emerging markets is reshaping the global balance of economic power. Many emerging markets continued to experience growth during a period in which developed countries saw their economies stagnate or decline. The global political en vironment remains volatile and uncertain, with ongoing conflicts in the Middle East andRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesPerception and Individual Decision Making 165 Motivation Concepts 201 Motivation: From Concepts to Applications 239 3 The Group 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Foundations of Group Behavior 271 Understanding Work Teams 307 Communication 335 Leadership 367 Power and Politics 411 Conflict and Negotiation 445 Foundations of Organization Structure 479 v vi BRIEF CONTENTS 4 The Organization System 16 Organizational Culture 511 17 Human Resource Policies and Practices 543 18 Organizational Change
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Conflict of Interest Free Essays
CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY Article I Purpose The purpose of the conflict of interest policy is to protect Diamond Cut Loyalty Canine Rescue and Pit Bull Rehabilitation, Inc. ’s (herein â€Å"Organization†) interest when it is contemplating entering into a transaction or arrangement that might benefit the private interest of an officer or director of the Organization or might result in a possible excess benefit transaction. This policy is intended to supplement but not replace any applicable state and federal laws governing conflict of interest applicable to nonprofit and charitable organizations. We will write a custom essay sample on Conflict of Interest or any similar topic only for you Order Now Article II Definitions . Interested Person Any director, principal officer, or member of a committee with governing board delegated powers, who has a direct or indirect financial interest, as defined below, is an Interested Person. 2. Financial Interest A person has a financial interest if the person has, directly or indirectly, through business, investment, or family: a. An ownership or investment interest in any entity with which the Organization has a transaction or arrangement, b. A compensation arrangement with the Organization or with any entity or individual with which the Organization has a transaction or arrangement, or . A potential ownership or investment interest in, or compensation arrangement with, any entity or individual with which the Organization is negotiating a transaction or arrangement. Compensation includes direct and indirect remuneration as well as gifts or favors that are not insubstantial. A financial interest is not necessarily a conflict of interest. Und er Article III, Section 2, a person who has a financial interest may have a conflict of interest only if the Board of Directors decides that a conflict of interest exists. 3. Board of Directors The directors, collectively, of the Organization. Article III Procedures 1. Duty to Disclose In connection with any actual or possible conflict of interest, an Interested Person must disclose the existence of the financial interest and be given the opportunity to disclose all material facts to the Board of Directors relating to the proposed transaction or arrangement. 2. Determining Whether a Conflict of Interest Exists After disclosure of the financial interest and all material facts, and after any discussion with the interested person, he/she shall leave the Board of Directors meeting while the determination of a conflict of interest is discussed and voted upon. The remaining board members shall decide if a conflict of interest exists. 3. Procedures for Addressing the Conflict of Interest a. An interested person may make a presentation to the Board of Directors, but after the presentation, he/she shall leave the meeting during the discussion of, and the vote on, the transaction or arrangement involving the possible conflict of interest. b. The chairperson of the Board of Directors shall, if appropriate, appoint a disinterested person or committee to investigate alternatives to the proposed transaction or arrangement. c. After exercising due diligence, the Board of Directors shall determine whether the Organization can obtain with reasonable efforts a more advantageous transaction or arrangement from a person or entity that would not give rise to a conflict of interest. d. If a more advantageous transaction or arrangement is not reasonably possible under circumstances not producing a conflict of interest, the Board of Directors shall determine by a majority vote of the disinterested directors whether the transaction or arrangement is in the Organization’s best interest, for its own benefit, and whether it is fair and reasonable. In conformity with the above determination it shall make its decision as to whether to enter into the transaction or arrangement. 4. Violations of the Conflicts of Interest Policy a. If the Board of Directors has reasonable cause to believe a member has failed to disclose actual or possible conflicts of interest, it shall inform the member of the basis for such belief and afford the member an opportunity to explain the alleged failure to disclose. . If, after hearing the member’s response and after making further investigation as warranted by the circumstances, the Board of Directors determines the member has failed to disclose an actual or possible conflict of interest, it shall take appropriate disciplinary and corrective action. Article IV Records of Proceedings The minutes of the Board of Directors’ meeting shall contain: a. The names of the persons who disclosed or otherwise were found to have a financial interest in connection with an actual or possible conflict of interest, the nature of the financial interest, any action taken to determine whether a conflict of interest was present, and the Board of Directors’ decision as to whether a conflict of interest in fact existed. b. The names of the persons who were present for discussions and votes relating to the transaction or arrangement, the content of the discussion, including any alternatives to the proposed transaction or arrangement, and a record of any votes taken in connection with the proceedings. Article V Compensation a. A voting member of the Board of Directors who receives compensation, directly or indirectly, from the Organization for services is precluded from voting on matters pertaining to that member’s compensation. b. A voting member of any committee whose jurisdiction includes compensation matters and who receives compensation, directly or indirectly, from the Organization for services is precluded from voting on matters pertaining to that member’s compensation. c. No voting member of the Board of Directors whose jurisdiction includes compensation matters and who receives compensation, directly or indirectly, from the Organization, either individually or collectively, is prohibited from providing information to any committee regarding compensation. Article VI Annual Statements Each director, principal officer and member of a committee with governing board delegated powers shall annually sign a statement which affirms such person: a. Has received a copy of the conflicts of interest policy, . Has read and understands the policy, c. Has agreed to comply with the policy, and d. Understands the Organization is charitable and in order to maintain its federal tax exemption it must engage primarily in activities which accomplish one or more of its tax-exempt purposes. Article VII Periodic Reviews To ensure the Organization operates in a manner consistent with charitable purposes and does not engage in activities that could jeopardize its tax-exempt sta tus, periodic reviews shall be conducted. The periodic reviews shall, at a minimum, include the following subjects: a. Whether compensation arrangements and benefits are reasonable, based on competent survey information, and the result of arm’s length bargaining. b. Whether partnerships, joint ventures, and arrangements with management organizations conform to the Organization’s written policies, are properly recorded, reflect reasonable investment or payments for goods and services, further charitable purposes and do not result in inurement, impermissible private benefit or in an excess benefit transaction. How to cite Conflict of Interest, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Bargaining Power of Buyers free essay sample
According to Michael Porter, one of the 5 forces that can cause competition and influence a corporation is buyers/consumers. Without customers a business is nothing. Buyers cause corporations to compete against one another by causing them to lower prices and produce higher qualities of goods/services to consumers. The following are when a buying group has the greatest influence. When a buying group purchases large volumes When one buyer purchases most of a supplier’s sales, the importance of that buyer to the supplier is significant. If they stop buying, the supplier takes a dramatic financial hit. When items purchased are standard If all items in a market are similar or standardized, it allows a buyer to feel confident in doing business with other suppliers. Suppliers need to lower prices to keep consumers coming to them. When the buyer faces few switching Costs If a buyer faces little to no costs to switch to another supplier, there is no reason to stop them from switching if a supplier is offering a product for cheaper. We will write a custom essay sample on Bargaining Power of Buyers or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Buyers can roam the market looking for the best deal. Suppliers on the other hand may have large switching costs making it hard to change markets. When buyers can backward integrate A buyer may not need to buy from a supplier if they can acquire items from inside the business. An example could be a bakery that requires wheat to make bread. They would backwards integrate by buying a farm with a wheat processor and no longer having the need to buy wheat from a supplier. When buyers product quality doesn’t matter Buyers will be price sensitive if the products they are producing do not require great quality. The buyer will go to whoever is the cheapest.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Does The Problem Of Evil And Suffering Prove God D Essays
Does The Problem Of Evil And Suffering Prove God Does Not Exist? The problem of evil and suffering is the question as to why evil exists, in the context of the belief in God it asks why an omnibenevolent, omniscient, and omnipotent God would allow evil to exist. It is argued that it would not make sense for such a deity to allow evil to exist unless they did not really love everyone, did not really know everything that was going on, or did not really have the power to change anything they wanted. This argument logic ally counters the argument for the existence of God because i f Go d is all loving then he would not want people to suffer but there are uncountable cases of people suffering on a daily basis, so it is logically impossible for God to be omnibenevolent . Secondly, i f he is all powerful he could stop evil and suffering but either chooses not to or indeed cannot because he is not all powerful after all. I f he is omniscient, he would have known that the world he created would have evil and suffering but still went ahead and created it. So, either God is not all loving and is indeed a cruel God or he is not powerful enough to stop evil and suffering. This presents the question. Why did he create a world knowing it would have evil and suffering? On the other hand , there are holes in this argument because to make the argument it is assumed that there is the possibility that God is omniscient. If this is true, then it is also possible that the human comprehension of evil is false because it is so much further above human understanding that only God can fathom the true reason behind evil and suffering. Additionally , there is also the argument of free will and that the reason there is so much evil and suffering in the world is because humans are evil and not God. And the reason that God does not intervene is because he allows humans to have free will and when we die he will judge us and either punish or reward us based on the lives we lived whilst on earth, whether they were good or bad. In conclusion , the strongest argu ment is the argument for the problem of evil. This is because it uses the beliefs of those that argue for the existence of God against them exploiting the fact that it is impossible for God to exist because he would con tradict himself.
Monday, November 25, 2019
EPR Paradox in Physics - Definition and Explanation
EPR Paradox in Physics - Definition and Explanation The EPR paradox (or the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox) is a thought experiment intended to demonstrate an inherent paradox in the early formulations of quantum theory. It is among the best-known examples of quantum entanglement. The paradox involves two particles that are entangled with each other according to quantum mechanics. Under the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, each particle is individually in an uncertain state until it is measured, at which point the state of that particle becomes certain. At that exact same moment, the other particles state also becomes certain. The reason that this is classified as a paradox is that it seemingly involves communication between the two particles at speeds greater than the speed of light, which is a conflict with Albert Einsteins theory of relativity. The Paradoxs Origin The paradox was the focal point of a heated debate between Einstein and Niels Bohr. Einstein was never comfortable with the quantum mechanics being developed by Bohr and his colleagues (based, ironically, on work started by Einstein). Together with his colleagues Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen, Einstein developed the EPR paradox as a way of showing that the theory was inconsistent with other known laws of physics. At the time, there was no real way to carry out the experiment, so it was just a thought experiment or gedankenexperiment. Several years later, the physicist David Bohm modified the EPR paradox example so that things were a bit clearer. (The original way the paradox was presented was somewhat confusing, even to professional physicists.) In the more popular Bohm formulation, an unstable spin 0 particle decays into two different particles, Particle A and Particle B, heading in opposite directions. Because the initial particle had spin 0, the sum of the two new particle spins must equal zero. If Particle A has spin 1/2, then Particle B must have spin -1/2 (and vice versa). Again, according to the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, until a measurement is made, neither particle has a definite state. They are both in a superposition of possible states, with an equal probability (in this case) of having a positive or negative spin. The Paradoxs Meaning There are two key points at work here which make this troubling: Quantum physics says that, until the moment of the measurement, the particles do not have a definite quantum spin but are in a superposition of possible states.As soon as we measure the spin of Particle A, we know for sure the value well get from measuring the spin of Particle B. If you measure Particle A, it seems like Particle As quantum spin gets set by the measurement, but somehow Particle B also instantly knows what spin it is supposed to take on. To Einstein, this was a clear violation of the theory of relativity. Hidden-Variables Theory No one ever really questioned the second point; the controversy lay entirely with the first point. Bohm and Einstein supported an alternative approach called the hidden-variables theory, which suggested that quantum mechanics was incomplete. In this viewpoint, there had to be some aspect of quantum mechanics that wasnt immediately obvious but which needed to be added into the theory to explain this sort of non-local effect. As an analogy, consider that you have two envelopes that each contain money. You have been told that one of them contains a $5 bill and the other contains a $10 bill. If you open one envelope and it contains a $5 bill, then you know for sure that the other envelope contains the $10 bill. The problem with this analogy is that quantum mechanics definitely doesnt appear to work this way. In the case of the money, each envelope contains a specific bill, even if I never get around to looking in them. Uncertainty in Quantum Mechanics The uncertainty in quantum mechanics doesnt just represent a lack of our knowledge but a fundamental lack of definite reality. Until the measurement is made, according to the Copenhagen interpretation, the particles are really in a superposition of all possible states (as in the case of the dead/alive cat in the Schroedingers Cat thought experiment). While most physicists would have preferred to have a universe with clearer rules, no one could figure out exactly what these hidden variables were or how they could be incorporated into the theory in a meaningful way. Bohr and others defended the standard Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, which continued to be supported by the experimental evidence. The explanation is that the wave function, which describes the superposition of possible quantum states, exists at all points simultaneously. The spin of Particle A and spin of Particle B are not independent quantities but are represented by the same term within the quantum physics equations. The instant that the measurement on Particle A is made, the entire wave function collapses into a single state. In this way, theres no distant communication taking place. Bells Theorem The major nail in the coffin of the hidden-variables theory came from the physicist John Stewart Bell, in what is known as Bells Theorem. He developed a series of inequalities (called Bell inequalities), which represent how measurements of the spin of Particle A and Particle B would distribute if they werent entangled. In experiment after experiment, the Bell inequalities are violated, meaning that quantum entanglement does seem to take place. Despite this evidence to the contrary, there are still some proponents of the hidden-variables theory, though this is mostly among amateur physicists rather than professionals. Edited by Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Human Rights and Same-Sex Marriage Research Paper
Human Rights and Same-Sex Marriage - Research Paper Example In following this line of reasoning though, one may say that since it is a violation of the constitution to deny anyone of their civil rights, it is therefore unconstitutional to deny people should they want to enter into same-sex marriages. However, for one to claim violation, one must prove first that same-sex marriage is part of the protected rights of the Constitution. This paper aims to correct the presumption that same-sex marriages should be legalized because every individual should be allowed to marry. The truth is, marriage is set as heterosexual by nature, thus, marriage policy limiting the union to only between one man and one woman does not violate the Equal Protection Clause or any other legal or moral principle (Stacey 27). Law protects such union to ensure the continuation of species. The law was not placed there to protect the emotional wants of individuals. Simply put, there is no right to same-sex marriages, thus, homosexuals are not being denied of their right. In fact, if one looks at the natural needs of a child to be raised by both biological parents, the natural need of a man to be ensured of paternity, and the natural need of a woman to be with her child (Stacey 27-8), not legalizing same-sex marriages protects these natural rights. It is Not Included in One’s Civil Rights Civil law is one of the greatest contentions about marriage. Literally speaking, laws governing marriages has always been a concern of the state and not the federal government. In any case, however, it has been long ignored that marriage is actually an institutional union between one man and one woman (McVeigh and Maria-Elena 891-2). Those who argue that same-sex marriages should be considered a civil right and should be treated just like any heterosexual monogamous marriage are doing so based on the principle of the Equal Protection Clause. This is, however, a flawed argument. It is absolutely wrong to consider that one’s constitutional rights ensure equ al treatment that includes the aspect of marriage. One must understand that equal treatment, as according to the Constitution, does not give reference to social relationships such as families, marriages, friendships, and the likes (McVeigh and Maria-Elena 899). A good example of this is a relationship between two friends who decide to consider their relationship as marriage. Such consideration of the friends involved in the friendship cannot go to the courts and demand equal protection rights just because they finally decided to consider their friendship as marriage. To do so is tantamount to saying that just because some people in a certain sports event pray together before the start of the event, courts are required to work under the equal protection law and allow these particular sports event goers to redefine the event as a religious ceremony. Social Reality Cannot be Declared by the Constitution Social reality cannot be defined merely by civil rights. The equal protection under the civil rights is there only to guarantee that every citizen will be treated equally. This means that the law should start by acknowledging and segregating characteristics and inconsistencies in reality so as to bestow upon each party what is rightfully theirs (Bily 27-8). For example, the government recognizes a relationship between two contracting parties who agree to fulfill a transaction of mowing the lawn. However, the law governing the contracts does not define beforehand what kinds of contracts can be done or can be accepted. This law, instead, merely makes clear how binding a consensual contract is, and what legal obligations both agreeing parties have in fulfilling the contract. This law also clarifies the consequences should one or both parties breach stipulations in the contract
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
William Butler Yeats Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
William Butler Yeats - Essay Example Yeats can get away with absolutely cliched poetical language like "loveliness" and still create lines of matchless significance about a woman's beauty: "How many centuries spent/The sedentary soul/In toils of measurement/Beyond eagle or mole,/Beyond hearing or seeing, Or Archimedes' guess,/To raise into being/That loveliness" (Opening song from the play Fighting the Waves). Of language he was a past master. The themes and subjects of Yeats' poetry could be varied, because he was a man of varied interests and pursuits. Yeats could combine simplicity, a concise style, and innate wisdom for commentary on war from a soldier's point of view: "I know that I shall meet my fate/Somewhere among the clouds above;/ Those that I fight I do not hate, Those that I guard I do not love;"An Irish Airman Forsees His Death, The Wild Swans at Coole. 1919). He could make a commentary on the Easter Rising in Ireland like he did with his poem Easter(1916): "Too long a sacrifice/ Can make a stone of the heart./O when may it suffice/ That is Heaven's part, our part /To murmur name upon name,/As a mother names her child /When sleep at last has come /On limbs that had run wild". Or, he could write with a deep sense of almost Wordsworthian longing for the peace and beatitude of nature: "I will arise and go now, for always night and day/ I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;/ While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements gray,/ I hear it in the deep heart's core".(The Lake Isle of Innisfree, The Rose, 1893). In his final years, Yeats was also known to give expression of his occultist beliefs in a 2000-year cycle of existence: "The darkness drops again but now I know/ That twenty centuries of stony sleep/ Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,/ And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,/ Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born"( The Second Coming, Michael Robartes and the Dancer.1919) This range and versatility is the outcome of a lifetime of evolution, because Yeats is one of those rare breed of creative minds who can produce their best work in their waning years. Yeats was born on 13 June 1865, and came from an Anglo-Irish heritage. It was his mother who introduced him to Irish folktales which were to be an important influence on his poetry. He had ideal parents for his profession as a poet : "Yeats has told of the deep emotional reserves in his Sligo-born mother, "whose actions were unreasoning and habitual like the seasons. From his father, John Butler Yeats, a man of original mind who had been trained in the law but turned to painting and to the pre-Raphaelite enthusiasms current in the '70s and '80s, Yeats early heard that "intensity was important above all things." (Bogan, 1938) Yeats was moved to London from Ireland when he was two, and remained there for all his schooling till he enrolled in the Metropolitan School of Art in Dublin for two years in 1884, and here he saw the early beginnings of his poetry. In Dublin he made famous acquaintances like G.B. Shaw, and W.E. Henley, and soon began to publish poetry, and in 1889, came out with The Wanderings of Usheen [Oisin] which included works
Monday, November 18, 2019
Structure of Secondary Schooling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Structure of Secondary Schooling - Essay Example This essay approves that the basics start at school and slowly as they become mature they realize learning is a long process and helps them to be disciplined. The importance of learning is to share with others and make them educated. Studying at colleges and universities is totally a different ball game compared to schools. In colleges and universities the curriculum will be based on practical assumptions. Courses offering at universities and colleges are termed as professional courses and inclined towards engineering, management and political careers. The students will be trained accordingly to fulfill the immediate requirements. The most important thing is to realize the responsibilities towards the society and taking up those responsibilities, which is an indication of a good citizen. Education is an important tool that makes every citizen to know their responsibilities and utilize them properly. This report makes a conclusion that one of the main reasons of learning disabilities is the lack of concentration. Student’s thoughts divert very easily. They could not keep up their concentration level up to the mark. Short-term memory is also one of the reasons. Some of them were unable to remember previous days lessons or unable to grasp Assessing student’s abilities and disabilities is the major factor and teachers should strive to identify these issues. By identifying their strengths and weaknesses one can easily work on these issues. Self-confidence plays an important role in everyone’s lives. It is the deciding factor that decides a winner and a loser.
Friday, November 15, 2019
International capital budgeting
International capital budgeting Executive Summary In todays competitive environment, with companies are looking to expand their business not only nationally but also in foreign markets. For taking the decision on whether to invest in a foreign operation or not the company needs to assess various options it has. Capital Budgeting techniques are used in order to evaluate or compare different proposals. There is a difference in capital budgeting techniques for foreign operations as several factors such as exchange rates, inflation rates, blocked funds, government policies, etc. The returns arising out of foreign operations are different for the subsidiary company and parent company. Cash Flows should be computed for the investor i.e. the parent company and if the NPV of cash flows after subsequent adjustments comes out to be positive for parent company the investment decision might seem fruitful. Although a positive NPV for subsidiary would also add to the wealth of the corporation but generally parent companys in such instances are a little hesitant to invest. Favourable condition is the one in which both companies have a positive return. The cost of capital also needs to be estimated correctly by making suitable adjustments. Overall cost of capital should be lowered by having an optimal cost structure within several constraints. Several Decisions need to be made by the International Finance Manager on whether to expand, postpone or abandon the project in cases of sudden rise or fall in demand. Generally, companies do not wish to abandon the project as entering and leaving market is more costlier than bearing operational loss for sometime. Careful attention to the demand and other foreign and local government policies come into picture while taking this decision. Introduction Many firms around the world carry out business activities in more than one country such firms are known as Multinational Corporations (MNCs). With increase in globalization such activities have been on a rise. Many Indian firms also after the inception of Liberalization, Globalization and Privatization policy have started to raise finances in foreign markets, export goods and services, import goods and services and even invest abroad. However, the fundamentals of financial management do not differ whether the firm is domestic or an International firm i.e. a firm which has significant foreign operations. Although there are a few factors that need to be considered in International firms such as currency denominations, tax and other Government implications, varying accounting standards, barriers to trade and financial flows and political risk. One of the key factors for firms having their operations in foreign countries is the exchange rate. Exchange rate unlike few years back (1971) where devaluations and revaluations occurred only very rarely has given way to the system of floating exchange rates. In a system of completely floating exchange rates, the relative prices of the currencies are determined entirely by the demand-supply gap. Authorities in such a system do not attempt to influence the rate movements. But such an ideal system does not exist. Governments in all countries attempt to influence the movements of exchange prices either through direct intervention or through a mix of monetary and fiscal policies as they regard exchange rate as a very important macro-economic variable. Such a system is called dirty float. Exchange rate directly influences the estimation of budget of a foreign investment. So in order to accurately forecast the budget or profitability of a project it is essential to forecast the exchange rates for future. Exchange Rates An exchange represents the price of one currency expressed in terms of another. There are two ways of quoting an exchange rate. Direct Quote: A type of quote in which exchange rate for a foreign currency is quoted in terms of number of units of local currency that are equal to a single unit of foreign currency. For example when it is said that exchange rate for dollar is Rs 46, it illustrates a direct quote for Dollar. Indirect Quote: A type of quote in which exchange rate for a foreign currency is quoted in terms of number of units of foreign currency that are equal to a unit of local currency. For example when it is said that $0.0233 is equal to Re. 1, it illustrates an indirect quote for Dollar. Since 1993, the interbank foreign exchange market in India has been using system of direct quote, prior to that it used a system of indirect quote. International Standards Organization has developed three letter codes for all currencies that are used by the SWIFT network that affects the inter-bank fund transfers. Codes for a few currencies are: Spot Rate Quotations Spot Rate refers to the rate of a foreign exchange contract for immediate delivery. Although it is said to be immediate its settlement is done in two business days after the date of transaction. A quotation consists of two prices. The first price is the bid price i.e. the price at which the dealer is willing to buy. The second price is the ask price i.e. the price at which the dealer is willing to sell. The difference between the two prices is known as the bid ask spread. It reflects the breadth, depth and volatility of the currency market. The spread is generally expressed in percentage terms. For e.g. if USD/INR Spot :46.2500/46.2600, it means that the dealer would buy one US dollar for Rs 46.2500 and sell one US dollar for Rs 46.6000. In this the bid ask spread is: Cross Rate Quotations If the exchange rate between currencies A and B and currencies B and C is known then the exchange rate between currencies A and C can be determined by the following: S(A/C) = S(A/B) x S(B/C) Forward Rate Quotations A rate which is fixed today but the settlement for the transactions occurs at some specified date in the future. Banks normally quote forward rates for maturities in the whole calendar months. For commercial customers it is mentioned in the same way as quotation for spot rate. For e.g.: USD/INR 3 Month Forward : 46.4220/46.5210 The above statement signifies that after three months bank would buy one dollar for 46.4220 and sell one dollar for 46.5210. However, in the interbank market the forward quotes are given as a pair of swap points which are then added or subtracted from forward quotation. The swap quote only expresses the difference between the spot quote and forward quote. Decimals are not written in swap quotes and are represented as follows: Conversion of Swap Rate into Outright Rate Swap rate can be converted into outright rate by adding premium or subtracting the discount from spot rate. If the forward bid rate in points is more than offer rate then the forward rate is at a premium and hence the points are added to the spot rate in order to get outright rate. If the forward bid rate is more than the offer rate in points then the swap points are subtracted from the spot rate. The swap quotation is generally expressed such that the last digit coincides with the same place as the last digit of spot price. So, in USD/INR quote given above, the rate 20/10 would mean INR 0.0020/INR 0.0010. On application of the above rule to the example, the outright forward quotation would be: USD/INR 1 month forward: 46.5005/46.5020. Forward Premiums and Discounts If the US dollar is costlier in the forward market than in the current market then it is said that it is at a forward premium in relation to Rupee. Similarly if it is cheaper in the forward market it is said to be at a discount in relation to Rupee. With two way quotations there is no single unique way of quantifying the premium or discounts. One way commonly used is expressing premium or discount as an annualized percentage deviation from spot rate. Forward premium(discount) = (n-day forward rate spot rate)/spot rate x 360/n n length of forward contract in number of days Futures and Options in Foreign Currencies An alternative to the forward market is the futures market. The currency futures contracts are standardised currency forward contracts in terms of size of the contract and delivery dates. The difference between forward contracts and futures is that forwards are customized whereas futures are standardized contracts. International Parity Relationships In order to have consistent international financial policy a relationship between interest rates, inflation rates and exchange rates needs to be understood. Following theories suffice this purpose: Covered Interest Arbitrage and Interest Rate Parity It is an investment strategy whereby an investor buys a financial instrument denominated in a foreign currency and hedges his foreign exchange risk by selling a forward contract in the amount of the proceeds of the investment back into base currency. Combined effect of such transactions and market pressures result in an equilibrium relationship which is known as interest rate parity (IRP) which preludes covered interest arbitrage transactions. When IRP exists, the difference between forward rate and the spot rate is enough to offset the difference between interest rates in two currencies. IRP condition states that the home interest rate must be higher or lower than the foreign interest rate by an amount equal to forward discount or premium on home currency. IRP can be stated as follows: Purchasing Power Parity According to the concept of purchasing power parity barring the effects of barriers associated with the movement of goods or services across countries, price of each product shall be same in each country, after making the appropriate currency conversions. It is also known as law of one price in economics. For goods which cannot be easily stored or transported law of one price doesnt hold, but for goods like crude oil and gold which can be easily stored and transported there arent major deviations from law of one price. A less restrictive form of Purchasing Power Parity is called the relative purchasing power parity which states that the difference in inflation rate between two countries is offset by the change in exchange rate. Relative Purchasing Power Parity can be expressed as follows: International Capital Budgeting Once a company has reached a decision to invest abroad the next thing to do is to evaluate various projects/proposals. The evaluation of the long term investment project is known as capital budgeting. The method of capital budgeting is quite similar for both a domestic company and an international company. The difference is that in order to evaluate for an international company different aspects need to be taken into account such as computation of cash flow relating to project in viewpoint of both parent and subsidiary, cost of capital, etc. Evaluation Criteria An investment proposal can be evaluated using two types of method non-discounting and discounting methods. The non-discounting methods are simple to compute but are not as accurate as discounting methods as they do not take into consideration the time value of money. The focus would mainly be on the discounting methods. Non-Discounting Methods Average Accounting Rate of Return: It takes into account profit before interest and tax with respect to investment. The profit is then compared to the required rate of return. A project is acceptable if the mean profit is higher than the required rate of return. The negative aspects of this method are that it is based on accounting income and not on the cash flow; it considers profit before tax and it also ignores the time value of money. Pay Back Period: It is the number of years required in order to recover the initial investment. This method mainly focuses on early recovery of funds but does not consider the cash flow after the pay back period i.e. it does not take into account the life of the project. The advantage of such non-discounting methods are that they are easy to compute and can be used in the initial stages of project in order to compare which project would be able to recover the investment quicker. Discounting Methods Net Present Value: In this approach projects are accepted where the present value of net cash inflow during the life span of project is greater than initial investment. It is computed using. Choice between different methods During comparing two proposals sometimes the result of two methods may differ as they rest on different assumptions concerning the reinvestment of funds released from the project. The NPV rule implies reinvestment at a rate equivalent to the required rate of return which is used as the discount rate whereas IRR assumes the funds to be reinvested at IRR. However, in such a case NPV is given preference as there are a few limitations of IRR method. Firstly, where projects of different life span are considered IRR inflates desirability of a short-life project as IRR is a function of both the time involved and size of capital investment. Secondly, IRR remains to be lower on projects with a longer gestation period, even when NPV remains larger because IRR is high in those projects where several benefits accrue in early part of their economic life. Thirdly, there is a possibility of two IRR rates coming for a given NPV as they are computed using a polynomial equation. Between PI and NPV, NPV is given preference as it represents an absolute value. Computation of the Cash Flow The decision to start a new project involves outlay of cash flow in form of investment but in return brings in funds and adds to the firms stock of wealth in future. Cash Flow can be grouped under three heads: Initial Investment during the period, to Operating cash flow during the period, t1 to tn Terminal cash flow or salvage value emerging at the end og the period, tn. The following factors should be kept in mind: Cash Flow is considered on after tax basis Financing cost is not included despite the fact that capital has a cost because such costs are considered elsewhere while determining projects required rate of return Cash flow is computed on an incremental basis and represents the difference between cash flow after the investment and cash flow in absence of investment Certain costs do not involve cash flow but involve opportunity cost, such costs are included in the decision process Parent Units Perspective and the Cash Flow In multinational capital budgeting the question arises whether to compute the cash flow from viewpoint of the parent company or viewpoint of subsidiary company because cash outflow of one could be cash inflow for the other. For e.g. if the subsidiary company gives the parent company a royalty fees then it becomes an inflow for the parent company but it is an outflow for the subsidiary company. It is difficult to take a decision on whether to accept or reject a proposal in such instances. In fact there may be many situations when the disparity in the cash flow between the parent and its subsidiary occurs. For example if the tax rates in home country and foreign country are different disparity in cash flow would arise. It is possible that on account of lower tax rates in foreign country the after tax cash inflow is large enough to justify the investment proposal. On the other hand high tax rates in the home country might render the investment proposal infeasible from viewpoint of the p arent company. The parent company might reject the proposal due to low cash inflow due to exchange control applied by the foreign government, despite the cash flow being sufficient for implementation. In a situation where parent company charges the subsidiary exorbitantly for the use of technology and management, the cash inflow accruing to the parent company will be larger justifying the investment decision. Lastly, changes in exchange rate may change the cash flow of parent company. When the currency of the foreign country appreciates parent company gets a larger flow of cash in terms of its own currency. This might alter the accept-reject decision. In corporate financial management the value of the project is determined by net present value of the future cash flows available to the investor. Since, parent company is the one which invests in the project , it is the cash flow of the parent company that is taken into account in the context of international capital budgeting. Initial Investment If the entire project cost is met by the parent company the entire amount of initial investment is treated as the cash outflow. There are instances when the project is partly financed by the subsidiary itself through local borrowings but such borrowings do not form a part of the initial cash outflow. In some cases the subsidiary company makes additional investment for expansion out of the retained earnings, in such a case there is no cash outflow from the parent company but such costs should be treated as opportunity costs because in absence of retention of earnings, these funds could have been transferred to parent company rather than invested in the project in question. Thus, the investment out of retained earnings should be treated as cash outflow from parent companys perspective. Sometimes foreign government imposes exchange control and does not allow the cash to flow to the parent company. Such funds are called as blocked funds. For this reason the part of the cash that is blocked is not treated as cash inflow from the parents perspective. However, if the blocked funds are reinvested in some new project then that amount is considered as investment by the parent company. Operating cash flow Besides the initial investment, some adjustments need to be made to the operating cash flow as well. The revenue generated through the sale of a subsidiarys product in the local market as well as in other countries is shown as cash inflow to the parent company but it is subject to downward adjustment by the lost income on sales previously realized through parent companys export to these markets. On the other hand if operation in the subsidiary leads to import of components and raw material from parent company value of such import will be added to the revenue. The transfer pricing, when the parent company or any other unit of the firm charges price for intra-firm transfer of intermediate goods, also influences the operating cash flow. The transfer pricing is adopted either for better working capital management or wavering of taxes through shifting of before-tax profit to a country with lower tax rates. When transfer pricing lowers the overall tax burden on the parent company it is treated as cash inflow. However, such inflows are discounted at a higher rate because they involve great risk. If there are incentives from the foreign government, they are included in capital budgeting. For example, if foreign government offers loan at a subsidized rate then the gains from such an incentive is treated as operating cash inflow. When the subsidiary takes loans locally, the amount of interest payment is deducted from operating cash inflow. In case of domestic capital budgeting it is not the case as financing cost is included in the discount rate, but in case of international capital budgeting, the cash remitted to parent company would seem to be overstated if interest payments are not treated as cash outflow. Inflation influences both the cost and the revenue streams of the project and hence inflation rate differential also needs to be taken into account. If the inflation rate is higher in foreign country and if the import from the parent company constitutes a significant portion of the input of subsidiary, the cost will not move up very high but if the inputs are bought locally the cost increase may be substantial. Similarly, revenue would move up if there is no competition from foreign suppliers and the demand for the product is price inelastic. Although if inflation rates are very fluctuating it becomes very difficult to make an accurate forecast as the inflation differential would keep on changing. The exchange rate fluctuation influences the size of the cash flow. Changes in exchange rate are not only due to the changes in inflation rates but several other factors. It is difficult to predict the behaviour of those factors. Nevertheless, the cash flow computation process incorporates different scenarios of exchange rate movements. If there is an appreciation in the value of foreign currency, it is good for the parent company as it will increase the size of cash inflow in terms of home currency. This gain may be offset by the high inflation rate but if in the future the rate of inflation is expected to lower thus helping appreciate the value of foreign countrys currency, the subsidiary should invest locally the payments to the parent company till the strengthening of currency. Terminal Cash Flow When salvage value of a project is uncertain the parent company makes several estimates of salvage value or terminal cash flow and computes the NPV based on each possible outcome of terminal cash flow. Alternatively, it computes the break even salvage i.e. terminal cash flow necessary in order to achieve zero NPV for the project. Break even salvage value is then compared to estimated cash flow. If the estimated terminal cash flow is less than break even salvage value, the investment proposal would be rejected as the NPV would be negative. On the other hand if the subsidiary would sell for more than break-even salvage value then this would be incorporated into assessment of whether to accept the project or reject it. To further explain the terminal cash flow, we would break up the cash flow beginning from the first year to the nth year into operating cash flow (OCFt) and terminal cash flow (TCFn). So from the above equation we can conclude that in order to compute break even terminal cash flow we have to first estimate the present value of operating cash flows or the future cash flows without salvage value. When computed it is deducted from initial investment and difference is multiplied by (1+k)n. Parent-Subsidiary Perspective: An Alternative Approach In the earlier approach we analyzed that NPV of the investor is taken into account rather than project while deciding on whether to invest in a certain project or not. But if projects NPV is positive, it is bound to add to corporate wealth of firm as a whole. Under this approach two NPVs are computed, one from parent companys point of view and other is the NPV of the project. Finally the acceptance or rejection decision is based on NPV of both of them. In order to calculate the NPVP or Net Present Value from Parent companys perspective following steps are taken: Estimate the cash flow in foreign currency Estimate the future spot exchange rate on the basis of available forward rates Convert the foreign currency cash flow into home currency Find home currency using home currency discount rate Similarly to find out NPVS or Net present value from subsidiarys perspective following steps are taken: Estimate cash flow in foreign currency Identify the foreign currency discount rate Discount the foreign currency cash flow at foreign currency discount rate Convert the resultant NPV into the home country currency at spot exchange rate. In the above case the cash inflow represents the earnings of the project in foreign currency irrespective of the fact whether cash moves towards or away from the parent unit. The two methods above assume all-equity capital structure and so, if the parity conditions existed in the real world the two approaches would give the same value. But generally debt is normally included in capital structure in order to lower the cost of capital and furthermore parity conditions do not exist. The possible results could be: NPVP and NPVS: both negative and in such a case project is rejected NPVP and NPVS: both positive; in such a case project is accepted NPVP>0>NPVS: The project is attractive from parent companys point of view but not from subsidiary companys point of view. In such a case project could be accepted but there are chances of loss in value in terms of foreign currency. NPVP
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Growing Threat to Civil Liberties Essay -- Rights Freedom Essays
The Growing Threat To Civil Liberties The United States has long been respected for the principled thoroughness with which it has upheld the right to freedom of speech embodied in the first amendment to the constitution. We owe part of our own freedom of speech to the Americans who have upheld freedom of speech on the Internet against pressure from other countries who are angry that their citizens can call up forms of speech banned at home. The US consistently refuses to sign international agreements that would infringe the purity of its own constitutional guarantees of freedom of speech. It is thus distressing to read in David Bernstein’s excellent book how anti-discrimination laws are being used to undermine civil liberties, such as the freedom of speech, in the very home of liberty itself. The US courts have in the past upheld freedom of speech, even where it might seem to encourage crime or subversion, but they have allowed anti-discrimination laws to over-rule freedom of speech. Once again the drive for equality is revealed as the greatest enemy of individual freedom. One of the most striking examples of this is the substantial numbers of individuals who have been sacked (and also in consequence lost their medical care) because their employer’s lawyers were afraid that remarks that these individuals had made might lead to some other indignant and affronted employee suing the employer for allowing them to be subjected to a ‘hostile work environment’. A member of a legally privileged ‘minority’ might well then be awarded vast damages for some trivial remark. In consequence employers now even snoop on conversations and e-mails between two friendly consenting employees lest they contain a comment which might be unco... ...ights, but she was only awarded one dollar plus her costs. It sums up the priorities of PC AmSoc America. A trivial anti- discrimination claim is worth a million times as much as freedom of speech and expression. David Bernstein is to be congratulated on so clearly, vividly, analytically and accurately showing seriousness of these new threats to free speech and civil liberties in the US. The Cato Institute also deserves credit for publishing the book since in Bernstein’s words ‘authors who take politically incorrect positions . . . face a particularly difficult time finding publishers among leading trade presses’ (p. ix). Cato at least is still the land of the free and the home of the brave. You Can't Say That: The Growing Threat To Civil Liberties From Antidiscrimination Laws Washington, DC: Cato Institute, 180pp., ISBN: 1 930 865 538, $20.00 (hb), 2003
Monday, November 11, 2019
Critical Thinking Essay: the Godfather Essay
The Godfather, a story about a multigenerational crime family by the Italian American author Mario Puzo, was one of the best-selling books since it was published in 1969. Not only the book was a phenomenon, its movie under the direction of director Francis Ford Coppola had also become a landmark in American movie since it was released in 1972. The Godfather detailed impressively the activities of the gangster world, especially the Corleone family which was under the control of the patriarch Vito Corleone starring by Marlon Brando and Al Pacino as his youngest son Michael Corleone who soon inherited his father’s position. The film lived up to the term masterpiece which helped it win three Academy Awards for best actor, best picture, and best adapted screenplay. Although the movie was full of brutal violence and mass killing of people, it also showed the care, the love, and the loyalty of the Corleone family members for each other. Rather than just showing the criminal side of breaking the laws or murdering people, The Godfather showed a brand new vision of the gangster world to the audiences. The criminal genre first started with the film the Little Caesar which was the first movie ever made about the gangster world in 1931. Later, many famous directors had taken advantage of this new trend and released many great movies with this genre, such as director Howard Hawkes with his famous film Scarface in 1932 and director Raoul Walsh with the movie White Heat in 1949. Those were all the big films that gave the audiences the impression of how audacious and dangerous the Mafia was. Mostly those movies focused on a younger gangster who was trying to work his way up in his criminal career to become well-known and powerful in the underworld by all means. Then, the release of the Godfather impressively surprised all the fans of the mob movies with a totally different viewing experience. The film depicted a systematic criminal organization, a â€Å"family business†that was transferred from generation to generation. The audiences are attracted in the very first plot of the movie when it shows Vito Corleone is doing his â€Å"business†. The man is insisting him to take revenge for his daughter who was brutally beaten by her boyfriend and he will pay any price the Godfather wants. The audiences will think that surely the Don will say â€Å"yes†because that is how a mobster is in their mind: Give them money, they will do anything. However, Vito says â€Å"No†because the only thing he wants from the man is friendship and he feels disrespectful when the man is only talking about money. Another plot that shows the breakthrough of the Godfather is when his oldest son, Santino, was butchered by Emilio Barzini’s men, the second most powerful Don, Vito still takes the initiative of renouncing all the vengeance at which audiences think there will be a massacre between the two families. Vito also makes a concession in doing drug business though he mentioned that he never believed drugs. In return, he wants a guarantee from other families for the safety of his own family and the younger son, Michael, who is still in Sicily hiding away from the police. Furthermore, thanks to director Coppola for being determined in choosing the appropriate actors and actresses for every characters in the movie which was a great contribution to the movie that made it become a masterpiece. Marlon Brando was not the first choice for the character Vito Corleone, he was actually refused for casting by the Paramount executives. However, Coppola believed Marlon was the best match for the character so he fought hard for him until the executives agreed. Marlon proved to the executives that Coppola was right by showing his consensus in being a patriarch of a powerful criminal family. The way the Godfather talks to his clients makes him a respectable man to his friends and family but a dangerous and cold-hearted killer to those who wants to go against him. Besides, the great performance of Marlon Brando puts an outstanding development of Al Pacino’s character. Like Marlon, Al Pacino was not highly valued by the executives because of his looks and lack of experiences in acting. However, with his efforts, the viewers can see the improvement in performing Michael Corleone through all the scenes. The scene he played that helped him keep his role is when Michael was in the restaurant with McCluskey and Sollozo. This plot was really breathtaking and terrifying that makes viewers attentively watch it to the end. Michael’s shiver and worry before the shot successfully portrays an inexperienced mobster, a newbie in the underworld of Michael. Indeed, in the second half of the movie, when Michael took over his father’s chair and started the wipe-out of all of the family’s rivals, he showed an image of a young Don who was more wise and dangerous than his father. As a gangster movie, the Godfather has many plots that can make viewers jump out of their chairs or hide their faces behind their hands. As an experienced director, Coppola knew how to combine background music with the plots to emphasize their contents. For example, when Jack Woltz refused the offer from the Godfather of letting Johnny Fontane cast a role in his movie, the next morning he woke up and saw his beloved horse head in his bed. The evil music was playing very small when the scene was showing Woltz’s garden, viewers could even hear the sound of the crickets. Then the camera slowly moved to Woltz’s bedroom where the music was playing louder and louder as it reached near Woltz’s bed. Finally, the music turned to maximum when Woltz was screaming because he saw the horse head. This scene really freaked people out because Coppola used a real horse head. Lastly, the movie is remarkable because it shows deeply the human part of mobsters. A typical example of how the Corleone members care for each other is Santino’s care about his sister, Conny. At the first scene of the movie, there was the wedding of Conny and Carlo. Unfortunately, Carlo did not love her. He purposely married to Conny because he wanted to get involved in Corleone family which was the most powerful Mafia family in New York. However, Vito Corleone did not let any outsiders to be part of the his business. Carlo was disappointed and he started abusing Conny fiercely, his just married wife. In the film, audiences can see Santino was the only member in the family protected Conny. Santino was also a very hot-tempered person. In some plots, because he was so aggressive, he brought a very bad impression on viewers. Nevertheless, watching him beating Carlo on the street, viewers would have a more positive feeling toward him. Another plot that makes the audiences more sympathy with the movie is when Vito retired, he became an old man with very simple joys of doing gardening and playing with his grandson. Later in the movie, he died by a heart attack, a very normal way that could happen to other elders. That scene really surprises viewers because they may think as one of the most powerful Don in the Mafia world, Vito Corleone should have had a more honorable death. Overall, although the Godfather was released in 1972 at which the performance of the actors and actresses were not as good as the casts now, it still has the full attention of audiences every time they watch. It is rated R which means it has many extremely violent scenes and nudity plots. Some people may think its violence is quite tame. However, if parents don’t take seriously consideration before letting their kids see the movie, their kids might still have a nightmare at night. Work Cited Seal, Mark. â€Å"The Godfather Wars.†Vanity Fair. N.p., Mar. 2009. Web. 18 Nov. 2012. . Rovi, Bruce Eder. â€Å"Little-Caesar – Trailer – Cast – Showtimes –†Little-Caesar – Trailer – Cast – Showtimes – The New York Times, n.d. . â€Å"TheGodfather Trivia: Leavethe Gun, Read the Trivia!(Total Trivia Entries: 147).†The Godfather Trivia. N.p., n.d. .
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Importance of Choosing the Right Way of Communicating Your Ideas
The Importance of Choosing the Right Way of Communicating Your Ideas Communication plays an important role in people’s lives. For instance, Japanese people who suffered from the quake were terrified because they felt isolated without any communication (Fackler 2011, p.A11). Reportedly, people who were deprived of electronic means of communication relied on such means as announcements from loudspeakers, or sirens.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Importance of Choosing the Right Way of Communicating Your Ideas specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Admittedly, verbal and non-verbal communication is essential for every individual. It goes without saying that every situation requires specific ways of communication, otherwise the major aim of communication will not be achieved. Thus, even informal private communication should be effective, and this can be achieved if the major principles of effective communication are taken into account. In the first place, it is necessary to point ou t the major communication objective. Basically, communication objectives â€Å"include the effective exchange of ideas and opinions†(Tonn 2010). People are sharing ideas in the workplace and in their personal life. For instance, the conversation between David Carr and A.O. Scott who commented upon Oscars ceremony can be regarded as a private conversation (Oscars: Youthful Audience n.d.). The interlocutors feel free. It is important to note that both of them pertain to one culture (they are Americans) which simplifies their communication since no cultural barriers exist between them. In fact, culture plays a very important role in communication since culture shapes individuals’ values and beliefs which influence greatly people’s behavior, which in its turn is essential when communicating. Witsel (2009, p. 170) also stresses that cultural differences influence the effectiveness of communication greatly and it is essential to take into account these cultural pecul iarities when sending and receiving messages. The present conversation is free from issues concerning cultural differences. The communication between Carr and Scott is effective since the interlocutors manage to share their ideas. They send their messages waiting for the feedback, and they get the feedback since the interlocutor is an active listener. Both, Carr and Scott, support or refute arguments of each other, which is a very effective technique when communicating (Ulrich 2009, p.583). It is necessary to point out that sometimes the interlocutors interrupt each other, so certain barriers or, so-called noise appear. They do not listen to the speaker attentively because they start talking and articulating their ideas (Oscars: Youthful Audience n.d.). The noise can lead to miscomprehension and it can also lead to less effective communication (Witsel 2009, p.135). However, there are only two cases of interruption, so it does not prevent interlocutors from communicating their ideas. Advertising Looking for essay on communication strategies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The present dialogue is a valuable example of the significance of non-verbal communication. For instance, the interlocutors use illustrators, â€Å"gestures that go along with†speech (Witsel 2009, p.170). Carr and Scott laugh and nod, they make direct eye contact and these non-verbal means of communication (which are â€Å"very positive messages in US culture†) create a friendly atmosphere which is favorable for communication (Witsel 2009, p.163). Thus, it is possible to state that the dialogue can be characterized by effective communication since the interlocutors share their ideas on certain topic in a friendly atmosphere. In my opinion, the dialogue is effective because the interlocutors had an idea about certain peculiarities of effective communication. It does not necessarily mean that they were studying tho se effective means of communication, but the majority of verbal and non-verbal means they used are determined by culture. Thus, as far as non-verbal communication is concerned, smiles, nods and laugh are signs of active listening in American culture. Both speakers make use of these non-verbal means. As for verbal communication the interlocutors conveyed their ideas in explicit way so that their receiver could easily understand the message and provide his feedback. It is necessary to point out that the work of Witsel (2009) was a very valuable source of knowledge which enabled me to learn about communication theories and, what is more important about their application in the real life. For example, found out about the importance of paying attention to such four factors as feedback, channel, type of communication, language source (Witsel 2009, p.135). The right choice of each element is beneficial for reaching the major aim of communication. Thus, it is essential not to confuse formal or informal communication since every type has certain rules to follow. Nevertheless, I believe that information about non-verbal communication, revealed in Witsel’s work (2009) was of primary importance for me. I acknowledged that this type of communication plays a very important (and sometimes crucial) role when sharing ideas. Many non-verbal signs can lead to misunderstanding and failing communication.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Importance of Choosing the Right Way of Communicating Your Ideas specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Thus, I now understand that before communication your ideas to some person or people it is essential to find out more about their cultural background. This is extremely important in the modern globalized world. In conclusion, it is necessary to point out that communication theories help understand the major principles of communication and what is more important to reach commu nication aims. For instance, analyzing an example of informal conversation between two Americans, it is possible to identify the main principles of effective communication. The example is quite valuable in terms of communication analysis since the dialogue reveals effective means of communicating ideas, used by the interlocutors and their drawbacks. Basically, I learnt much about verbal and non-verbal means of communication. Now I should admit that non-verbal communication have become essential in the modern globalized world since people from different countries should share ideas effectively and cultural differences can negatively influence communication. Reference List Fackler, M 2011, â€Å"Quake Area Residents Turn to Old Means of Communication to Keep Informed†, The New York Times, 28 Mar. 2011, p. A11. Oscars: Youthful Audience. The New York Times Video, video, The New York Times, n=1. Tonn, VL 2010, Meanings, Images of Interpersonal Communication, and The Iching. China Media Research vol. 6, iss. 2, pp. 94-103, Expanded Academic ASAP. Ulrich, B 2009, Engaging in Crucial Conversations. Nephrology Nursing Journal vol.35, iss.6 (2009): 583. Expanded Academic ASAP. Web.Advertising Looking for essay on communication strategies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Witsel, M (ed.) 2009, Communication in Organisations, 5th edn, McGraw-Hill, New York.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Biology-Mangroves essays
Biology-Mangroves essays Mangroves are woody plants or plant communitys which live between the sea and the land in areas that have tides. Therefore they are found on coastlines all around the world where the water is warm enough. They can be trees but (like a rainforest plant) they can also be shrubs or palms. All share the ability to live in salt water. Mangrove plants have had to adapt quite a lot in order to survive in their marine environment. Their water intake is saline so they have had to make adaptations in order to rid themselves of the excess salt. One method is to excrete salt which has entered the system through their leaves. These leaves have special salt glands which are among the most active salt-secreting systems known. It is quite possible to see or even taste the salt on the leaf surfaces of species that choose this method. Another method is to reduce the uptake of salt at the roots. The last method of coping with salt is to concentrate it in bark or in older leaves that carry it with them when they drop. Mangroves have developed special root adaptations called pneumatophores or ariel roots to deal with the soft, salty, oxygen deficient soils they live in. These pneumatophores stick out of the shallow waters allowing the mangroves to take in air at the roots. This oxygen cant go below 1 metre under the soil because of pressure so the root systems are branched out through the soil. If these roots didnt branch out the trees wouldnt be able to support their weight so they would fall down. Mangroves have made other adaptations to help them survive in their environment as well. For instance mangroves have a special method of forming their seeds. They are covered by a tough skin that protects them until they are ready to fall from the tree. When they fall this skin also allows them to float. While they are floating on the water the roots form on the seed until they are long enough to catch on the mud or san...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Discuss at least two of the U.S. Supreme Court rulings in regards to Essay
Discuss at least two of the U.S. Supreme Court rulings in regards to the death penalty and how it has impacted capital punishment in the United States - Essay Example In fact, it was against the 8th Amendment of the United States Constitution. In the case of Kennedy v. Louisiana, 554 U.S. 407 (2008), involving the rape of a 12 year old girl by his stepfather, the ruling was against the death penalty. It was argued that one should not be sentenced to death since the victim did not die. They laid out debate that it was unfair to kill such a criminal since it was not a capital offense compared to other cases involving outright murder. There is a trend showing that with the passing of time, capital punishments had to be revised so as to allow justice and consistency in the rulings of court. No evidence has shown that the death penalty had an effect on the rate of crime in any state. This was because, if anything, it contributed to murder at all levels and the devaluation of human
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Wireless security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Wireless security - Essay Example The reason is that hackers break into the networks to identify the security holes present in the networks. The aim of the hackers is not to commit theft, destroy, or steal any sort of private information; rather the intention is to make the network administrators improve the security of their networks. Ciampa (2009) found that a hacker is a person who makes use of advanced programming skills and techniques to break illegally into any specific computer system in order to expose the security flaws (p. 16). Some attackers believe that the act of hacking is ethical because the aim is neither to steal information nor to create any sort of problem for the user of the computer system. If a hacker attacks my personal computer system, it will make me aware that the security features, which I have implemented for the protection of my computer, are not strong enough to combat the attacks of the hackers. Therefore, I would like a hacker to break into my security wall to identify the security fla ws in my system, which will make me improve my security by installing more trustworthy and reliable security features in order to make my computer more safe and secure than before.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
An Analysis of the Movie ( Mystic River ) Assignment
An Analysis of the Movie ( Mystic River ) - Assignment Example The politics concerned with planning in Mystic River is stemmed from planning issues. The freedom of staying in slum community and environment raises the issue of planning in the movie. Furthermore, the freedom in the slum dwelling is not always enjoyed due to higher density demographic, similarly, the high density population causes the community to be too close, physically. The high population in the urban area poses obstruction to planning and other related issues. The communal obstruction in the movie has similar results that usually invoke changes among the communities. The planning politics in the film illustrate positions of public welfare where the personal gains and interest is the main protagonist. The planning politics began with water issues and overall welfare, and the effect of political affairs on the environmental nature. The Boston environment is maximized to suit the desires of the located citizens. Analysis of Mystic River and urban planning involved coordination of time and speed, which is juxtaposed with geography and history. The director of the movie focused on the relation between the cinematic space and urban planning. Since the special categories of the movie based on its topographies, location, site, and settings have changed in the entire movie. The movie integrates that understanding between geography and history without giving one a privilege (Belly, 14). Talking about the limited liability in urban development, is important to note that Lynch discovered the five elements like landmarks, nodes, edges, and paths compared to those that build the image cities (Peterson,119). In the film, the urban dwellers used social contact and personal communication to make personal connection in Boston city. Such networks in the film include the dating agencies, clubs, and public ballrooms. The network served the characters that are desperate and lonely; in addition, they served those that are happy
Monday, October 28, 2019
Through Deaf Eyes Essay Example for Free
Through Deaf Eyes Essay While watching Through Deaf Eyes, there were a lot of things that I didn’t think about before. For example, when they started talking about how even in deaf schools, African Americans were segregated from the rest of the white people I was a little thrown off by this. When talking about this in history classes, I never thought about segregating people twice?! The deaf community was already misunderstood and had to have their own schools and now the black deaf community had to be pushed out even farther? This concept started a whole new world for me. In my life, I really have never been exposed to sign language before. I think I have only met one real deaf person and he was about three and had a cochlear implant. So, the deaf community has never popped into my mind when it came to things like this. I think that another big part of the movie, for me, was when the students from Gallaudet University protested against their new president because she wasn’t deaf. Again, this is not something that I had never thought about before. It was big when Obama first became president that was a big turning point for America and also very moving. I know it was more important to the African American community because of their history and how crazy that was for them! Now, I know I can’t relate to the deaf community but I do understand that as an all-deaf university there should be an all-deaf staff, including the president. For those students to fight that hard and win just goes to show how dedicated they are in preserving their community and not afraid to fight for what they believe in and what is right. I really like how proud and powerful the deaf community is when it comes to standing up for themselves and others. The last thing that I really liked which was really the first thing, was the man in the very beginning of the film. I thought that it was a very powerful way to start. We often don’t think about what we say before we say it and a comment like, â€Å"Are you deaf?!†isn’t always going to turn out well for you in the end. That’s just like that, â€Å"That’s gay†comments that some people make. I don’t like that word and I try not to repeat it. I have an uncle who is gay and when I hear those kinds of comments I will most likely say something about it. I know that if I ever made that mistake about the deaf comment and a deaf person then asked me, â€Å"Are you hearing?!†I would feel pretty embarrassed and ashamed. I do admit that I have said that in the past, not ever thinking about it ever hurting someone. I can say now, that I will not say that because it is just like calling something/someone gay when you don’t mean it. After watching this movie and especially now that I am taking this class and learning so much about the deaf culture, I know that I will learn so much more and be able to think with another angle.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Role of Tourism in Economic Development
Role of Tourism in Economic Development All sectors of the economy play an important role in making a stable and long running development. Tourism is one of the sectors which plays an important role in development and also generates foreign revenues. This sector is peaceful and reflects the nature and beauty of the country. It helps people of far flung areas to promote their culture and norms, it also provide opportunity to country to make a better image around the world. There are many issues this sector is facing nowadays and the popularity of this sector is sliding down day by day means that people is not ready to make tours because of many problems and threats to security and life. Several studies and researches have been conducted on this tourism and its relation to development of economy and also that how can we promote this sector? How can we create better image to world and also what measures we can use to maximize the development? Michael Hitchcock (2004) had explained that tourism and culture have a deep relation. Culture is based on originality, authority, authenticity and many more. Tourists are attracted by such types of factors, he says that invest and reinvest is not modernization and its the human culture that remain there for a long time. Tradition is invested and process goes on its known as constructivist. Cultural transmission is not an authentic option, reproduction is not renew it have its own originality. We should make a clear difference in between the reproduction and originality. In order to save the cultural heritage and to attract tourists he says that culture should bi neat and original. Mohamed Tangi (1977) had conducted a research that Mediterranean handles one-third of world tourism that has damaged the environment of that region due to many factors. He says that Greece, Spain, Cyprus these countries are visited more and the environment is quite hurt for dense tourism to these areas. The natural sites are reduced due to excessive construction for tourists and visitors. Tourism and environment are two parallels that move together, tourism mainly depends on environment along other factors, world is facing huge and fast rising in pollution as more tourism is rising in world. Environment can be man-made, natural or cultural in nature, all have effects on tourism and vice versa, cultural environment includes art, religion and human relations, which can be effected or disturbed by tourism. The countries which are rich in these factors can attract more tourists to their region; tourists may introduce new ways or styles to the places, which can be waste or injurious to th e visited destination. He explained few alternative strategies or development policies to promote tourism to the region. It includes the land use planning, expand and construct islands, holidays and pricing policy, facilities to tourists, anti-pollution and policies, training and information to locals, rules and codes of conduct. Using these and promoting these strategies country can raise its tourism level and also promote development in the region. Tourism will be based on co-operation and planning in the future world, united nation environmental program and world tourism organization both are working and have to play an active role in tourism promotion and protection. Barry Liddle (1989) had explained that tourism is helpful for local government to have a better economy and development. Presently it is the leading sector of the world and it will be stronger in future. Tourism can be of many types i.e. for leisure, work and business or for any purpose. Here industrial tourism is important type of tourism that can generate much information and knowledge. It further has an option that modern industrial tourism means that companies choose a day and at that day they arrange a proper tour to their company or exhibition. They also provide the full tourists facilities to visitors, so to make them feel comfortable. The industrial tours can be updated to local and national level to boost the economy, audit, local, central government and different councils should step in to make this type of tourism better and popular. Erik Cohen (1984) had made a research that there are not much empirical studies in tourism economy, so this is required as we are moving into new and fast world. There are four main principles in tourism i.e. tourist that based upon his motivations, attitudes, role and reaction in response to others actions, the ideas, thinking and relationship of the locals and tourist matters in this sector, the structure and infrastructure of tourism system is an important part that can help it to flourish, the better the system the better will be the outcomes and economic and social impact from tourism to visited destinations. Tourism is based on culture that helps this industry to develop and become a helping hand to economy. More empirical study is needed to merge it with theory and provide world more information about this sector in a systematic way. Amanda Stonza (2001) has explained in the article that tourism is mainly divided into two parts i.e. origins of tourism and impacts of tourism and the main problem is that tourism origins is only concerned with tourists and foreigners, while the impacts are only related to local public. The two halves provide different meaning and together they also only provide partial meanings not full, so origins of tourism should include the local public that how they can attract tourists? How they can promote the tourism in their region? Same is the case with the impacts of tourism; it should include the tourists who are willing to visit the particular places in world. What are the changes that have occurred in tourist after the trip? Origins and impacts both should be positive then the countrys social, cultural and economical conditions will be develop and their tourism sector will grow in a positive manner. Janette Deacon (2006) explains tourism as an important sector of economy and also throws light on not so important type of tourism i.e. rock art conversation. This type of tourism is known as cultural or heritage tourism, cultural or heritage sites are main reasons behind the tourism in most Asian nations like China, India, Pakistan and SriLanka. Rock art conversation is famous in African nations, this tourism is in Africa but its not on large scale. Many ways are discussed to promote rock art conversation tourism so we can save it for vanishing from world. Factors that promote all types of tourism including this rock art conversation is training, skills, education guidelines, security, interests, attractions and many more. These factors will help tourism economy to expand that can create a better image of countrys tourism sector around the globe. International council on monuments and sites and international cultural tourism charter are two major sources to save and promote rock art conversation in tourism sector. Agha Iqrar Haroon (2002) had explained that sustainable tourism can be achieved by working together with the local public sites that can be visited. Ecotourism in Pakistan is not working in a proper manner and Pakistan is not even near to sustainable tourism. In the northern areas 70% of economy is in hands of big businessmen that belong to other provinces and only 30% are in hands of local public. This local public has to survive on daily basis wages and all this is due to big businessmen have share of 70% from revenues and they also have support of tourism companies and government either local or federal. Local public is ignored in framing the policies and sharing the generated revenues, the big businessmen can provide imported facilities to foreigners that the locals are failed to do so. These acts have a negative impact on the employment and on living and earnings of local public of those northerner areas, so government should take few daring steps to save the public from exploit ation from these wealthy investors. Government can invest in these areas, can ensure participation , secure future of local public, share more revenues to locals, heavy tax should be imposed on wealthy businessmen, irrelevant construction should be discouraged, local goods should be used that will generate profits and employment in region, training and guidance to public of concerned area. By doing all these actions our northern areas can be a top place to visit and Pakistan can achieve a sustainable and healthy development in tourism sector. Dean Maccannell (2002) says that tourism is faster growing sector and it has relations to the non-economic factors. Ego factor counts a lot in tourism that personal behavior about tourism and travel, tourism is dependent on the classical and touristy experimental commodity. Ownership and attraction are non-economic factors in tourism or travel, tourism can promote opportunity, preservation and care of cultural heritage will promote tourism and theses are the main factors along the other factors that help to make a stable growth in this fast expanding sector. In short the human ego and the attractions to tourist sites are important factor for development of tourism economy of any country. Yoel Mansfeld (1994) conducted a survey on the tourism in Middle East and what are the major factors that have reduced the tourism to the region of world? In 1980s average growth rate of world for tourism is 6.2% and for Middle East it is 5.9% approx. Turkey and Greece also suffers from the conflict in Middle East between Israel and Palestine. Author also explains that international tourism is main source for developing countries to generate revenues, boost economy, creates jobs and much more. All these things will help them develop and achieve stability. Security situation has a huge impact on tourism around the globe and especially in Middle East that how much Israel suffered? How much other Arab and non-Arab nations have to face decline in their tourism? War or conflict between the Arabs and Israel is major threat to tourism in Middle East. Spill over effects are major in world tourism that if one country suffers from security threats her neighbor will also have to face the conseq uences being a neighbor. Spill over effects will determine their market strategies it means that how well you handle the pressure which is upon you due to disturbance in your neighbor country to save tourism industry of your country? Nowadays terrorism is main threat to world and especially in Middle East as the war is on in that region. So world have to sit together to find a safe and easy solution to this security threats and terrorism to save the tourism industry. Peter Murphy et al. (1989) along with his partner conducted a research that tourism is indirectly related to natural disasters, but this combination is rarely seen in world. Recently the two such cases are occurred one at Mount St. Helen eruptions in 1980 and the second is East Kootenay forest fires in 1985. These two areas are hit by natural calamity and that also effects the tourism ratio in these regions. In first case 30% decline is showed and in second case millions of dollars loss is shown. Along the natural calamity the man-made disasters also are common in world i.e. terrorism and other security threats to world tourism, the event of hijacking of Achille Lauro in 1985 have effected the tourism in Mediterranean region. Disaster planning have for main stages i.e. assessment, warning, impact and recovery, impact and recovery are two main stages that have more effects on tourism. Media coverage plays an important role that how media will post image to world? If the coverage is po sitive then recovery will be faster and if the coverage is negative then problem grows double and tourism will be badly disturbed. So nation should always be prepare for disasters and disaster management authorities should be at standby to handle the problem and also can save tourism industry. Eric Neumayer (2004) used the fix effects panel estimators and dynamic generalized method in this research on small sample size of countries to find the effects of tourism. His main focus is on political violence and other acts that can effect the tourism economy. Tourists always look and prefer the safe sites for tour and they are not ready to take risk for enjoyment. Democratic regimes are more successful in handling the violence pressure and autocratic regimes are not able to cope with the violence that can harm tourism sector. Hall (2004) says that political stability and safety are prerequisites for a healthy tourism in country, the world faced a downstream in tourism economy since 2000-01 and developing countries are more effected, whereas Europe and U.S.A is still the most visited place in world. Terrorism in Greece, Turkey and conflict in between Egypt, Israel, Lebanon and others have a negative impact on tourism. Other nations of the region is also effected by the disturbanc e in region, they are facing a decline in tourism sector. As told above that developing nations are more hurt from this political violence and security threats to tourism sector, it took them years to correct their image in front of world. Huge loss in foreign revenues and decline in their gross domestic product is hurting them badly. So few steps are requires to save this peaceful sector from violence and disturbance. Dinah Payne et al. (1996) creates an ethical model for tourism industry that it is the largest and fastest growing industry in the world; it contributes much to GDP of country. Local community and environment is mostly kept outside from planning and management around the world. Local public should be included in the decision making and then it will helpful to all other factors in the tourism industry i.e. justice, integrity, competence and utility are the four main pillars that can help to create codes of ethics. Ethics is required in tourism sector to make it move at smooth pace and this is basic factor that is helpful in tourism. Research shows the absence of ethics from the tourism industry, environment, community tourists and employees are the main factors that are required to enhance them more in tourism sector. The more will be the ethics the more will be the public and tourists interaction. Few suggestions are that local public should not be ignored, they should be more hospit able to tourists, they must save environment from destruction and list goes on. Codes should be followed in nice manner and that will be beneficial for the public and to tourism sector of country. So this ethics is much needed factor today in tourism industry to make it more attractive and peaceful.
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