Monday, September 30, 2019
Nissan Planning New Fuel-cell Vehicle
The global environment has been afflicted to a considerable extent by the conventional combustion engines of the vehicles, creating certain problems of global interest like exhaust emission, global warming and increased dependence on fossil fuel. (Paul Nieuwenhuis, Peter Wells, 2003)It has been estimated that fossil fuels are a limited resource. Nissan has always played a key role in automotive industry and foreseen that mobility is an inevitable part of economic development of any country. Nissan has contributed his share by harnessing the technological strengths that has accumulated over many years of its dedication and ever-changing discoveries.The basic charm in the philosophy of fuel cell vehicle is in its environment friendliness. It is expected to play an evermore important role as a clean energy vehicle. Main feature of fuel cell vehicle is that electrical energy is obtained by the chemical reaction of hydrogen and water. In this reaction sole emission is water which is alrea dy the part of ecosystem means least or almost no pollution. The electrical energy obtained in this manner will be utilized to get it converted into mechanical driving force by a number of engineering processes. (Lloyd Dixon, Isaac Porche, Jonathan Kulick, 2002).The Nissan FCV employs elements of a variety of technologies, including electric vehicle (EV), hybrid electric vehicle (HEV), and compressed natural gas vehicle (CNGV) technologies.Nissan's FCV applies technologies that have been developed in Nissan, such as lithium ion batteries and high voltage electric systems for electric vehicles, control technologies for hybrid vehicles and high pressure gas storage systems for CNGV. Nissan has been developing FCVs that endeavors to accomplish outstanding environmental and energy-saving capacity. (Geographical, 2003)Nissan Canada Inc. (NCI) declared in February 2006, a program that will put its newest fuel cell-equipped vehicle to the test trial for analysis. The new seventy mega Pasca l (MPa) high-pressure hydrogen-powered Nissan X-Trail FCV (fuel cell vehicle) was at home in Canada for testing, which will take place in the vicinity of the Greater Vancouver. The Nissan X-Trail FCV encloses a hydrogen fuel cylinder manufactured by Dynetek Industries Ltd. of Calgary, Alta. The important thing about this cylinder is that it has been built in Canada.The vehicle is under test at Surrey, B.C.-based Powertech Labs Inc., an entirely owned auxiliary of BC Hydro, in collaboration with Fuel Cells Canada. Fuel Cells Canada administers the Hydrogen Highway, a synchronized, large-scale presentation and utilization program intended to accelerate the commercialization of hydrogen and fuel-cell technologies. Nissan joined these organizations in Surrey to start the testing.â€Å"Through Nissan's advances in hydrogen fuel cell technology, we hope to improve the practicality of fuel cells as a future clean power source,†These are the words uttered by John Junker-Andersen, Dir ector, Parts, Service and Quality Assurance at NCI. He further added,â€Å"Together with the assistance of Powertech and BC Hydro, we are working hard to make the benefits of fuel cells and their promise of high efficiency and zero emissions a viable reality.†A fuel cell vehicle is in consequence an electric vehicle, using a fuel cell to alter hydrogen and oxygen into electricity. The electricity is produced by a chemical reaction inside the fuel cell stack when hydrogen from the fuel cylinder merges with oxygen in air. The only by-product is water, making FCVs completely emissions-free. Robb Thompson, Dynetek Industries Ltd said,â€Å"With partners such as Nissan and BC Hydro, we are able to test compressed hydrogen in real world situations,†â€Å"Through these tests, we have demonstrated that compressed hydrogen is the best commercially suitable alternative for the success of the hydrogen economy.†nyne-ngvp.orgNissan will test the vehicle in a number of enviro nments and drive cycles, including moderate cold-weather, high-speed hill climbs and highway driving, to evaluate the vehicle's capabilities and the hydrogen fuel system's performance.Livio Gambone, Manager, Vehicle Programs at Powertech said,â€Å"As members of the Hydrogen Highway(TM), we are pleased to support Nissan's vehicle testing program,†â€Å"Our climate and geography, plus access to our seventy MPa hydrogen filling station, make the Vancouver area the best and only place to test the viability and endurance of this FCV.†The seventy MPa high-pressure hydrogen-powered Nissan X-Trail FCV is the company's most-recent developmental fuel cell vehicle. Equipped with the first-ever Nissan-constructed fuel cell stack, the X-Trail FCV also boasts a more compact design and increased power. A previous 2003 model offered a cruising range of 350 km, but thanks to improved stack efficiency and a 30 percent increase in the high-pressure Dynetek hydrogen cylinder's storage ca pacity, the new X-Trail FCV is expected to achieve a cruising range of more than 500 km.John Tak, President and CEO, Fuel Cells Canada said, â€Å"We applaud Nissan Canada's decision to test their newest hydrogen powered fuel cell vehicle along the Hydrogen Highway(TM),†â€Å"As a world-leading centre for hydrogen and fuel cell expertise, British Columbia's Hydrogen Highway(TM) is an ideal proving ground to test and demonstrate these technologies.†Nissan has been working on FCV development since 1996. In addition to design and engineering work conducted in Japan, extensive testing and development has also been conducted in other markets, including the United States, where Nissan is a member of the California Fuel Cell Partnership (CaFCP). About Nissan Canada Inc. Nissan Canada Inc. is the Canadian sales, marketing and distribution subsidiary of Nissan Motor Limited and Nissan North America, Inc. With offices in Vancouver (BC), Mississauga (ON), and Kirkland (QC), N issan Canada directly employs two hundred and ninety staff, while one hundred and forty six independent businesses hold exclusive Nissan dealerships and twenty nine hold exclusive Infinity dealerships. (Jim Motavalli, 2003).Ten years devotion of Nissan for fuel-cell research has evolved as the latest FCV X-Trail sport/utility vehicle. Nissan engineered and assembled a fuel stack in-house and its most recent unit manages to squeeze the stack’s sophisticated technology in a smaller and lighter package. The new stack develops 120 horse powerâ€â€35 horse power more than the one fixed to the previous 2003 FCV X-Trail. As a consequence the new model put forward better linear speeding up and response, higher top speed too.Fuel cell packaging has gifted the new vehicle with more freed passenger space. The lithium-ion battery pack, that is stored under the trunk floor, is also built smaller, permitting for more goods room. In addition to this the smaller fuel-cell unit releases 40 percent extra space under the front seats.The considerable egg shaped hydrogen tank, which is lined by aluminium in its inner wall and strengthened with carbon fiber in its outer covering posed substantial packaging problem. Nissan has resolved it by placing it under the rear seats with resultant diminished headroom. The texture of the new tank provides it with greater accommodative capacity imparting thirty percent more hydrogen storage capacity that has a great impact on vehicle cruising mileage, sometimes attaining three hundred and twelve miles.The vehicle X-trial has been observed efficient on the road. Drive of this car is as easy operative as selective drive and tapping into the zero-emission power once the onboard computer system indicates the green signal. Nissan has manufactured the FCV X-trail to bestow the drivers a feeling of normal driving experience a part from the apparent lack of a noxious exhaust. In fact the car is being propelled by the electrical energy generat ed as a result of discussed chemical reaction. Since a train-like motor sound is audible from the background, however it is never annoying. (Robert L. Olson, 2003).The X-Trail accelerates readily up to a seventy mile per hour cruising speed and easily achieves a ninety three miles per hour top speed.Japanese government has approved public road testing and leasing of the Nissan’s latest fuel cell vehicles due to Nissan’s determined hard work and research in the field of fuel cell technology. Let us see when Nissan markets its matchless vehicle for the use of consumers.References:Geographical (2003). Cleaning Up the World's Exhaust Pipes: They're Quiet, Efficient, Run on Renewable Energy Sources and Their Exhaust Is Just a Cloud of Water Vapour. Could the Rise of Fuel-Cell Vehicles Spell the End of the Internal Combustion Engine? Magazine article; Vol. 75, AugustJack Doyle (2000). Taken for a Ride: Detroit's Big Three and the Politics of Pollution; Four Walls Eight Wi ndowsJim Motavalli (2003). Power Plays: Fuel Cells Are Reaching the Market, in What Could Be a $100 Billion Industry; E, Vol. 14, JanuaryLloyd Dixon, Isaac Porche, Jonathan Kulick (2002). Driving Emissions to Zero: Are the Benefits of California's Zero Emission Vehicle Program Worth the Costs; RandPaul Nieuwenhuis, Peter Wells (2003). The Automotive Industry and the Environment: A Technical, Business and Social Future; CRC PressRobert L. Olson (2003). The Promise and Pitfalls of Hydrogen Energy: Nonpolluting and Renewable, Hydrogen Energy Holds Great Promise as an Energy Alternative in the Future. Here's a Look at What's Right about Hydrogen Energy- and How It Can Go Wrong; The Futurist, Vol. 37, Nissan Planning New Fuel-cell Vehicle The global environment has been afflicted to a considerable extent by the conventional combustion engines of the vehicles, creating certain problems of global interest like exhaust emission, global warming and increased dependence on fossil fuel. (Paul Nieuwenhuis, Peter Wells, 2003)It has been estimated that fossil fuels are a limited resource. Nissan has always played a key role in automotive industry and foreseen that mobility is an inevitable part of economic development of any country. Nissan has contributed his share by harnessing the technological strengths that has accumulated over many years of its dedication and ever-changing discoveries.The basic charm in the philosophy of fuel cell vehicle is in its environment friendliness. It is expected to play an evermore important role as a clean energy vehicle. Main feature of fuel cell vehicle is that electrical energy is obtained by the chemical reaction of hydrogen and water. In this reaction sole emission is water which is alrea dy the part of ecosystem means least or almost no pollution. The electrical energy obtained in this manner will be utilized to get it converted into mechanical driving force by a number of engineering processes. (Lloyd Dixon, Isaac Porche, Jonathan Kulick, 2002). The Nissan FCV employs elements of a variety of technologies, including electric vehicle (EV), hybrid electric vehicle (HEV), and compressed natural gas vehicle (CNGV) technologies.Nissan's FCV applies technologies that have been developed in Nissan, such as lithium ion batteries and high voltage electric systems for electric vehicles, control technologies for hybrid vehicles and high pressure gas storage systems for CNGV. Nissan has been developing FCVs that endeavors to accomplish outstanding environmental and energy-saving capacity. (Geographical, 2003)Nissan Canada Inc. (NCI) declared in February 2006, a program that will put its newest fuel cell-equipped vehicle to the test trial for analysis. The new seventy mega P ascal (MPa) high-pressure hydrogen-powered Nissan X-Trail FCV (fuel cell vehicle) was at home in Canada for testing, which will take place in the vicinity of the Greater Vancouver. The Nissan X-Trail FCV encloses a hydrogen fuel cylinder manufactured by Dynetek Industries Ltd. of Calgary, Alta. The important thing about this cylinder is that it has been built in Canada. The vehicle is under test at Surrey, B.C.-based Powertech Labs Inc., an entirely owned auxiliary of BC Hydro, in collaboration with Fuel Cells Canada. Fuel Cells Canada administers the Hydrogen Highway, a synchronized, large-scale presentation and utilization program intended to accelerate the commercialization of hydrogen and fuel-cell technologies. Nissan joined these organizations in Surrey to start the testing.â€Å"Through Nissan's advances in hydrogen fuel cell technology, we hope to improve the practicality of fuel cells as a future clean power source,† These are the words uttered by John Junker-Ande rsen, Director, Parts, Service and Quality Assurance at NCI. He further added, â€Å"Together with the assistance of Powertech and BC Hydro, we are working hard to make the benefits of fuel cells and their promise of high efficiency and zero emissions a viable reality.†A fuel cell vehicle is in consequence an electric vehicle, using a fuel cell to alter hydrogen and oxygen into electricity. The electricity is produced by a chemical reaction inside the fuel cell stack when hydrogen from the fuel cylinder merges with oxygen in air. The only by-product is water, making FCVs completely emissions-free. Robb Thompson, Dynetek Industries Ltd said, â€Å"With partners such as Nissan and BC Hydro, we are able to test compressed hydrogen in real world situations,† â€Å"Through these tests, we have demonstrated that compressed hydrogen is the best commercially suitable alternative for the success of the hydrogen economy.†Nissan will test the vehicle in a number o f environments and drive cycles, including moderate cold-weather, high-speed hill climbs and highway driving, to evaluate the vehicle's capabilities and the hydrogen fuel system's performance. Livio Gambone, Manager, Vehicle Programs at Powertech said, â€Å"As members of the Hydrogen Highway(TM), we are pleased to support Nissan's vehicle testing program,†â€Å"Our climate and geography, plus access to our seventy MPa hydrogen filling station, make the Vancouver area the best and only place to test the viability and endurance of this FCV.†The seventy MPa high-pressure hydrogen-powered Nissan X-Trail FCV is the company's most-recent developmental fuel cell vehicle. Equipped with the first-ever Nissan-constructed fuel cell stack, the X-Trail FCV also boasts a more compact design and increased power. A previous 2003 model offered a cruising range of 350 km, but thanks to improved stack efficiency and a 30 percent increase in the high-pressure Dynetek hydrogen cylin der's storage capacity, the new X-Trail FCV is expected to achieve a cruising range of more than 500 km.John Tak, President and CEO, Fuel Cells Canada said, â€Å"We applaud Nissan Canada's decision to test their newest hydrogen powered fuel cell vehicle along the Hydrogen Highway(TM),†â€Å"As a world-leading centre for hydrogen and fuel cell expertise, British Columbia's Hydrogen Highway(TM) is an ideal proving ground to test and demonstrate these technologies.†Nissan has been working on FCV development since 1996. In addition to design and engineering work conducted in Japan, extensive testing and development has also been conducted in other markets, including the United States, where Nissan is a member of the California Fuel Cell Partnership (CaFCP). About Nissan Canada Inc. Nissan Canada Inc. is the Canadian sales, marketing and distribution subsidiary of Nissan Motor Limited and Nissan North America, Inc. With offices in Vancouver (BC), Mississauga (ON), and Kirkland (QC), Nissan Canada directly employs two hundred and ninety staff, while one hundred and forty six independent businesses hold exclusive Nissan dealerships and twenty nine hold exclusive Infinity dealerships. (Jim Motavalli, 2003).Ten years devotion of Nissan for fuel-cell research has evolved as the latest FCV X-Trail sport/utility vehicle. Nissan engineered and assembled a fuel stack in-house and its most recent unit manages to squeeze the stack’s sophisticated technology in a smaller and lighter package. The new stack develops 120 horse powerâ€â€35 horse power more than the one fixed to the previous 2003 FCV X-Trail. As a consequence the new model put forward better linear speeding up and response, higher top speed too.Fuel cell packaging has gifted the new vehicle with more freed passenger space. The lithium-ion battery pack, that is stored under the trunk floor, is also built smaller, permitting for more goods room. In addition to this the smaller fuel-cell unit releases 40 percent extra space under the front seats.The considerable egg shaped hydrogen tank, which is lined by aluminium in its inner wall and strengthened with carbon fiber in its outer covering posed substantial packaging problem. Nissan has resolved it by placing it under the rear seats with resultant diminished headroom. The texture of the new tank provides it with greater accommodative capacity imparting thirty percent more hydrogen storage capacity that has a great impact on vehicle cruising mileage, sometimes attaining three hundred and twelve miles.The vehicle X-trial has been observed efficient on the road. Drive of this car is as easy operative as selective drive and tapping into the zero-emission power once the onboard computer system indicates the green signal. Nissan has manufactured the FCV X-trail to bestow the drivers a feeling of normal driving experience a part from the apparent lack of a noxious exhaust. In fact the car is being propelled by the electrica l energy generated as a result of discussed chemical reaction. Since a train-like motor sound is audible from the background, however it is never annoying. (Robert L. Olson, 2003).The X-Trail accelerates readily up to a seventy mile per hour cruising speed and easily achieves a ninety three miles per hour top speed. Japanese government has approved public road testing and leasing of the Nissan’s latest fuel cell vehicles due to Nissan’s determined hard work and research in the field of fuel cell technology. Let us see when Nissan markets its matchless vehicle for the use of consumers.References:Geographical (2003). Cleaning Up the World's Exhaust Pipes: They're Quiet, Efficient, Run on Renewable Energy Sources and Their Exhaust Is Just a Cloud of Water Vapour. Could the Rise of Fuel-Cell Vehicles Spell the End of the Internal Combustion Engine? Magazine article; Vol. 75, AugustJack Doyle (2000). Taken for a Ride: Detroit's Big Three and the Politics of Pollution; Fo ur Walls Eight WindowsJim Motavalli (2003). Power Plays: Fuel Cells Are Reaching the Market, in What Could Be a $100 Billion Industry; E, Vol. 14, JanuaryLloyd Dixon, Isaac Porche, Jonathan Kulick (2002). Driving Emissions to Zero: Are the Benefits of California's Zero Emission Vehicle Program Worth the Costs; RandPaul Nieuwenhuis, Peter Wells (2003). The Automotive Industry and the Environment: A Technical, Business and Social Future; CRC PressRobert L. Olson (2003). The Promise and Pitfalls of Hydrogen Energy: Nonpolluting and Renewable, Hydrogen Energy Holds Great Promise as an Energy Alternative in the Future. Here's a Look at What's Right about Hydrogen Energy- and How It Can Go Wrong; The Futurist, Vol. 37, July
Engineering and Ce 211c Ce
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY OF SAN CARLOS-TALAMBAN CAMPUS CEBU CITY, PHILIPPINES (Effective June 2008) FIRST YEAR/FIRST SEMESTER Lec Lab Course Title Hrs Hrs Algebra 3 0 Trigonometry 3 0 Solid Mensuration 2 0 Engineering Graphics 1 0 3 Communication Arts 1 3 0 Sining ng Pakikipagtalastasan 3 0 Man in Search of God 3 0 Self Testing Activities 2 0 Civic Welfare Training Services 1 3 0 Total 22 3 FIRST YEAR/SECOND SEMESTER Lec Lab Hrs Hrs Course Title Analytic & Solid Geometry 3 0 Calculus 1 5 0 Advanced Algebra 2 0 Engineering Graphics 2 0 3 General and Inorganic Chemistry Lec 3 0 General and Inorganic Chemistry Lab 0 3 Communication Arts 2 3 0 Man the Christian Believer 3 0 Filipino sa Iba't-ibang Larangan 3 0 Rhytmic Activities 2 0 Civic Welfare Training Services 2 3 0 Total 27 6 SECOND YEAR/FIRST SEMESTER Lec Lab Hrs Hrs Course Title Elementary Surveying Lecture 2 0 Elementary Surveying Laboratory 0 6 Computer Fundamentals & Programming 0 6 Engineering Physic s 1 Lecture 3 0 Engineering Physics 1 Laboratory 0 3 Logic 3 0 Life & Works of Rizal 3 0 The Christian Worship 3 0 Fundamentals of Games and Sports 2 0 Governance & Const with Current Issues 3 0 Total 19 15 SECOND YEAR/SECOND SEMESTER Lec Lab Course Title Hrs Hrs Higher Surveys Lecture 2 0 Higher Surveys Laboratory 0 6 Calculus 2 5 0 Statics of Rigid Bodies 3 0 Engineering Physics 2 Lecture 3 0 Engineering Physics 2 Laboratory 0 3 Aural-Oral Communication 3 0 Man Witness in the World 3 0 Recreational Activities 2 0 Total 21 9 THIRD YEAR/FIRST SEMESTER Lec Lab Hrs Hrs Course Title Dynamics of Rigid Bodies 3 0 Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 5 0 Engineering Surveys Lecture 2 0 Engineering Surveys Laboratory 0 3 General Computer Application 0 3 Differential Equations 3 0 Building Design 1 Lecture 1 0 Building Design 1 Laboratory 0 3 Basic Mechanical Engineering 3 0 General Psychology 3 0 Total 20 9 THIRD YEAR/SECOND SEMESTER Lec Lab Course Title Hrs Hrs Theory of Structures 1 Lecture 3 0 Theory of Structures 1 Laboratory 0 3 Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulics 1 3 0 Course Code EM 111 EM 112X EM 124 ES 12A ENGL 1 FILI 1 REED 10 PE 11 NSTP 1 Acad Units 3 3 2 1 3 3 3 2 3 23 Prerequisites (Co-requisites) Course Code EM 121 EM 122 EM 123 ES 14A CHEM 4 CHEM 4L ENGL 2 REED 20 FILI 2 PE 12 NSTP2 Acad Units 3 5 2 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 3 29 Prerequisites (Co-requisites) EM 111, EM 112X EM 111, EM 112X EM 111, EM 112X ES 12A ENGL 1 REED 10 FILI 1 PE 11 NSTP1 Course Code CE 211C CE 211CL ES 16ANL PHYS 31N PHYS 31NL PHILO 2 HIST 17 REED 30 PE 13 POSC 13E Acad Units 2 2 2 3 1 3 3 3 2 3 24Prerequisites (Co-requisites) EM 111, EM112X EM 111, EM112X EM 111, EM112X EM 121, EM 122 EM 121, EM 122 None None REED 20 PE 12 None Course Code CE 221C CE 221CL EM 211 MECH 1 PHYS 32N PHYS 32NL ENGL 3 REED 40 PE 14 Acad Units 2 2 5 3 3 1 3 3 2 24 Prerequisites (Co-requisites) CE 211C, CE211CL CE 211C, CE211CL EM 122 PHYS 31, (EM 211) PHYS 31N PHYS 31N Engl 2 REED 30 PE 13 Course Code MECH 2 MECH 3 CE 311C CE 311CL CE 311G EM 22 BLDG 1 BLDG 1L ME310 PSYC 1 Acad Units 3 5 2 1 1 3 1 1 3 3 23 Prerequisites (Co-requisites) MECH 1 MECH 1 (MECH 2) CE 221C, CE221CL CE 221C, CE221CL EM111, EM123, ES16ANL EM 211 EM 124, ES 14A EM 124, ES 14A MECH 1 (MECH 2) NoneCourse Code CE 321A CE 321AL CE 321BX Acad Units 3 1 3 Prerequisites (Co-requisites) MECH 2, MECH 3 MECH 2, MECH 3 MECH 2, MECH 3 CE 321BLY CE 321C CE 321G BLDG 2 BLDG 2L EM 31 ECON 1N EE 320 Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulics 1 Lab Engineering Geology Probability and Statistics Building Design 2 Lecture Building Design 2 Laboratory Advanced Engineering Mathematics Principles of Econ with Agrarian Reform Elementary Elect. Eng'g Total 0 3 3 1 0 3 3 3 22 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 9 1 3 3 1 1 3 3 3 25 MECH 2, MECH 3 PHYS 32, CHEM 4 EM 111 BLDG 1 BLDG 2 EM 22 None PHYS 32, EM 22 Course Code CE 411A CE 411AL CE 411BY CE 411BL CE 411C CE 411CL CE 412AX CE 412AL CE 412B SOSC 6 PHILO 25FOURTH YEAR/FIRST SEMESTER Lec Lab Course Title Hrs Hrs Theory of Structure s 2 Lecture 3 0 Theory of Structures 2 Laboratory 0 3 Fluid Mechanics &Hydraulics 2 3 0 Fluid Mechanics &Hydraulics2 Lab. 0 3 Geotechnics 1 Lecture 3 0 Geotechnics 1 laboratory 0 3 Construction Materials and Testing Lec 2 0 Construction Materials and Testing Lab 0 3 Hydrology 3 0 Philippine Society and Culture 3 0 Philosophy of the Human Person 3 0 Total 20 12 FOURTH YEAR/ SECOND SEMESTER Lec Lab Course Title Hrs Hrs Reinforced Concrete Design Lec 3 0 Reinforced Concrete Design Lab 0 3 Environmental Engineering 3 0 Geotechnics 2 Lecture 3 0 Geotechnics 2 Laboratory 0 3 Geographic Information System Lec 1 0 Geographic Information System Lab 0 3Water Resources Engineering 3 0 Engineering Economics 3 0 Technical Writing 3 0 Survey of Arts 3 0 Total 22 9 Summer after 4th year/second semester Lec Lab Course Title Hrs Hrs On the Job Training 3 0 Total 3 0 FIFTH YEAR/ FIRST SEMESTER Lec Lab Hrs Hrs Course Title Highway Engineering 3 0 Steel Design Lecture 3 0 Steel Design Laboratory 0 3 Ti mber Design 2 0 Construction Planng, Prog & Safety 3 0 Project 1 Lecture 1 0 Project 1 Laboratory 0 3 Elective 1 3 0 Elective 2 3 0 Engineering Management 3 0 Total 21 6 FIFTH YEAR/ SECOND SEMESTER Lec Lab Hrs Hrs Course Title Transportation Engineering 3 0 Project Management Lecture 2 0 Project Management Laboratory 0 3 Foundation Design 2 Foundation Design Lab. 3 Project 2 0 3 CE Laws, Contracts, Specs, & Ethics 3 0 Elective 3 3 0 Elective 4 3 0 Total 16 9 Acad Units 3 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 3 3 3 24 Prerequisites (Co-requisites) CE321A, CE321AL CE321A, CE321AL CE321B, CE321BL CE321B, CE321BL MECH 2, MECH 3 MECH 2, MECH 3 MECH 2, MECH 3 MECH 2, MECH 3 EM 211, (CE411B) None None Course Code CE 421AN CE 421ANL CE 421B CE 421C CE 421CL CE 421G CE 421GL CE 423B ES 25 ENGL 23G HUMN 1 Acad Units 3 1 3 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 25 Prerequisites (Co-requisites) CE411A, CE412A CE411A, CE412A CHEM 4, CE 412B CE411C, CE411CL CE411C, CE411CL CE311C, CE311G CE311C, CE311G CE411B, CE411BL EM 22 4th Year Standing None Course Code OJT Acad Units 3 3 Prerequisites (Co-requisites) BLDG2, Completed 4th yr 2nd sem coursesCourse Code CE 511C CE 512A CE 512AL CE 514A CE 513A CE 511G CE 511GL CE 511E CE 511F ES 27 Acad Units 3 3 1 2 3 1 1 3 3 3 23 Prerequisites (Co-requisites) CE311C, CE421C CE411A, CE411AL CE411A, CE411AL CE411A, CE411AL 5th Year Standing completed 4th yr 2nd sem courses completed 4th yr 2nd sem courses refer to pre-req refer to pre-req ES 25 Course Code CE 521C CE 522A CE 522AL CE 522B CE 522BL CE 521G CE 522G CE 522E CE 523E Acad Units 3 2 1 3 1 1 3 3 3 20 Prerequisites (Co-requisites) 5th Year Standing ES 27, CE 513A ES 27, CE 513A CE 511A CE 511A CE 511G 5th Year Standing refer to pre-req refer to pre-req Note: NSTP and PE courses should be completed within the first two years in college.Elective Courses: Lec Lab Hrs Hrs Elective 1: Course Title Cluster A Prestressed Concrete 3 0 Cluster B Irrigation, Flood Control and Drainage Engg 3 0 Cluster C Urban Planning and Land Develop ment 3 0 Elective 2: Cluster A Bridge Design 3 0 Cluster B Sanitary Engineering 3 0 Cluster C Geosynthetics in Geotechnical Engg 3 0 Elective 3: Cluster A Entrepreneurship for Engineers 3 0 Cluster B Hydrologic Analysis and Modeling 3 0 Cluster C Pavement Analysis and Design 3 0 Elective 4: Cluster A Special Topics in Structural Engg 3 0 Cluster B Special Topics in Water Resources 3 0 Cluster C Special Topics in Geotechnical Engg 3 0 Acad Units 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Prerequisites (Co-requisites) CE 421A CE 422B CE 311C, 5th Year Standing CE 421A CE 421B CE 421C ES 27 CE 412B, CE321G CE 511C CE 511A CE 423B CE 511C
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Installing 70/30 Copper-Nickel Pipe
Installing 70/30 copper nickel (cuni) pipe sometimes can be a test of human patients, mechanical knowledge, and dexterity. It is, however, well worth the effort, because once you complete the job whether you’re a novice or connoisseur of the art you gain a sense of pride for a job well done. Additionally, you will have confidence in knowing that your pipe will stand the test of time and vigorous challenges they’re used for. The only problem that comes with working with 70/30 cuni pipe is, having a concrete way to approach even the minutest step(s) when installing, cleaning, and inspecting your pipe.Initially, you should have gathered your tools that will you need for this job. Assuming that you have the proper tools for the job we will begin by taking the copper nickel pipe a prepping it for installation. To prep copper-nickel pipe you want to start by gathering your pipe and you’re fittings, so you can obtain the measurements for the length off your pipe, square it off, and then touch it up. By doing this it eliminates dirt and debris, and allows for cohesiveness between the mechanical joints when you’re mating them together.Too do this you’re going to measure out the proper length of your pipe by taking your ruler (which should be measured in inches) and mark on your pipe how much you’re going to need. Once you have done that you’re going to cut the pipe at its designated mark. At the same time, be careful not to cut too much off, because if you do then you will have to either buy more pipe or go through another process of adding the pipe back. You can cut copper pipe with a regular hacksaw or a copper tube cutter.Although both will make a satisfactory cut, the tube cutter ensures a square cut every time. Use a jig or miter box when you're cutting copper pipe with a hacksaw. This helps to ensure a square cut in the pipe. After making the cut, remove the burrs inside the pipe with a half-round file. A pipe cutte r usually leaves more burrs in the pipe than a hacksaw. When cutting pipe for a specific run, be sure to make allowances for the distance of pipe that fits into the fittings. Also, remember to add the extra length the fittings will give the entire run of pipe.Figure about 1/2†³ for each fitting. In addition to doing this your also simultaneously doing something else called chamfering (chamfering is the process of filing the tip of the inside of the pipe so that the flux and stick to the pipe). Now that your pipe is squared off your going to take a strip of emery cloth and clean the outside of the pipe a half-inch away from the tip of your pipe (doing this allows for proper flow of the soldering ring between the fitting and pipe) until you have a bright gold shade of pipe, which is the natural color of copper-nickel pipe.Now that your pipe is ready for mating, you know have to prep your fitting for mating as well. To do this you’re going to take another piece of emery clo th a clean the inside of your fitting up to a half-inch in diameter on both sides of the fittings. Once you’re done with that procedure use a different strip of emery cloth to clean your brazing rings, and then place them in the slots inside your fittings. Once you have prepped your pipe and fittings you’re ready to mate the pipe and fitting together. Apply a light coat of soldering paste or flux to the cleaned end of the copper pipe.Use a flux brush, an old toothbrush or a wooden paddle for spreading the flux. Flux or soldering paste ensures a firm bond between the copper and the solder. Also apply flux to the inside of the cleaned fittings. The flux or soldering paste will keep the copper from oxidizing when heated. Place the copper fitting on the pipe only after it is thoroughly cleaned and coated with soldering paste). When the fitting is firmly in place, rotate both the pipe and the fitting several times to spread the flux evenly. A propane torch is an ideal tool for mating copper pipe.If you look at the flame of a propane torch you will notice there is a lighter blue, well-defined flame in the middle of a darker blue flame. The tip of this light blue flame is the hottest part of the flame. Play (move) the flame along the fittings and the pipe to bring them up to soldering heat. Then concentrate the heat in the middle of the fitting. The light blue flame should be just touching the fitting. You can do both ends of the fitting at the same time by heating in the middle like this. Do not apply the heat directly to the solder or the area that has been fluxed.Do not overheat the copper pipe. If you look at the flame on the side of the pipe away from the torch, you may notice a green flame develop. This means the fitting is ready to solder. Another way to tell is to touch the solder to the hot pipe. If the solder melts and begins to run, the pipe is at soldering temperature. Remove the flame from the pipe and apply the solder to the pipe where it joins the fitting. The solder will flow into the fit. Keep melting the solder until it appears completely around the fitting.The old saying, â€Å"If a little is good, then a lot is better,†does not apply here. Excess solder can run down inside the pipe, causing a restriction or even a blockage. You can experiment with different tips on your propane torch until you find the one that spreads the heat evenly along the pipe you are using. After you have successfully measured, square-off, and used a propane torch to mate your pipe and fittings you’re ready to clean your pipe. Cleaning your pipe throughout this procedure is a nonstop evolution.After mating your pipe together cleaning it is extremely important, it’s the first step in recognizing any malfunctions. You should be able to notice the thin black film that’s coated around the pipe and the fitting. This black coat of film comes from the rise in temperature of the pipe after you have heated it properly . To clean your pipe now you are going to have to have a bucket of water and a wire brush. Take your wire brush and dip it in the water and start cleaning the pipe and fitting(s) where you brazed at. You should continue to do this until both the pipe and fitting(s) becomes bright gold.In the meantime, while you’re cleaning your pipe you should have adequate lighting available, so you’re able to spot check for insufficient mating around the radius of your pipe and fittings. If you have thoroughly cleaned your pipe and notice small holes around your pipe then you need to go back a re-heat your pipe and apply more solder using a soldering stick. Once you have reached the point where you have no pen holes between your pipe and fittings, then you have completed the installation and cleaning of your 70/30 cuni pipe job.You are now ready to perform a system and inspection check of your project. Now that you have successfully installed and cleaned your pipe it’s now tim e to inspect your pipe for mechanically cohesiveness and system performance. This process is very important, because your craft is successful only if it can pass inspection. It requires a great deal of attention to detail when inspecting the pipe and fittings, so that you’re careful to not miss any pen holes. To this inspection, you have to do is submerge the part of the pipe that you brazed in clean and clear water.After doing this, if you notice water pockets form in the water remove the pipe and clean it with a rag and try it again. When you have tried it again and you notice water pocket again then that means you have tiny pen hole between your fittings and pipe. To fix this problem you will have to locate where the water pockets are forming at and solder that part. Once you have done that submerge your pipe and check for water pockets. After you have successfully corrected the pen holes you can now begin to clean up your job and apply the finishing touches to your pipe.I n conclusion, installing pipe can be difficult if you don’t have a proper foundation of rules to follow. Having an easy to understand guide line for performing such a job can be cost effective, uncomplicated, and less time consuming. Learning how to install, clean, and inspect 70/30 copper-nickel pipe can prepare you for the rigorous challenges that comes with working with pipes and fittings of different sizes and materials. Whether you’re an apprentice or authority of the art of pipe fitting, this guide line for installation, cleaning, and inspect 70/30 cuni will be of great assistance to you.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Nursing research paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Nursing research paper - Assignment Example of this research was to determine the effect of educating diabetic school children and their parents on the various coping skills for the diabetic patients. This was due to the consideration of the fact that, more than any other group, the diabetic children, more so those in adolescents had shown poor response to diabetic medication which according to researchers was as a result of lack of coping skills (Grey 2009). As such the question guiding this research was, â€Å"does the coping skills training (CST) influence the individuals responses to type 1 diabetes (T1D)?†In this research quantative methodology was used, whereby, the researchers established two groups of school children who were diagnosed with T1D. One of the groups was trained on the coping skills while the other was just given the general diabetic education (GE). However, there were certain requirements for the participants whereby they were required to: The researchers anticipated to use one hundred diabetic children as their most effective sample. However, they only managed to use 73 participants whereby, 53 children in the CST group and 20 in the GE group. In the determination of the results of the two groups, CST and GE, a correlation was established by the use of the standard deviation method, whereby 0.5 significance level, would have 98% power to detect a variance among the 2 group means of 04. 99% power to detect a variance among the 3 time means of .051, and 80% power to detect an interaction among the 2 group levels and the 3 time levels of .022, assuming that the common standard deviation is .04. However, this methodology was used on the assumption that the participants were a hundred as earlier intended. Additionally, descriptive statistics was used, whereby it was found that the majority of those who showed significance response to CST were predominately white and of high income (ibid). CST did not have the expected effect on child and family outcomes on the sample of school-aged
Thursday, September 26, 2019
After the tan lines have aded Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
After the tan lines have aded - Essay Example Cancer is probably the most alarming illness that can claim thousands of lives in just a year. While some may be cured with the use of the latest technologies, others are just too severe that several treatments are not an assurance that a person will be able to live a normal life after undergoing a number of therapies and medicine intakes. So, should indoor tanning be banned for minorsThere are several factors which contribute to having a skin cancer and perhaps the most common and well known cause of it is too much exposure in the sun. It is not new to almost everyone that the sun's ray is at its strongest from 10:00 AM until 4:00 PM so it is advisable that if one is going to go outside between the said periods of time, it is recommended to apply sunscreen, wear a hat or even sun glasses to protect the eyes. Nevertheless, in a recent survey conducted by American Academy of Dermatology, over 10,000 young people ages 12-18 from all 50 states, found that the use of sunscreen on sunny d ays was practiced by only 34.4 percent. The said survey also discovered that natural sunlight wasn't the only significant source of UV exposure for teens nowadays. Approximately 10 percent of teens had used tanning beds. ( is "IN", or so what these teens thought. And who does not want a sun-kissed look everyday The look of summer never fails to leave a sexy impression on almost everyone that girls of any age would do almost anything just to get that "just got from the beach" look. Almost any thing that they are even willing to take their lives is at risk. With indoor tanning, those who wish to achieve a bronze look don't need to wait for summer to come or pray for a good weather for sun bathing. Because anytime of the day, regardless of the climate and weather, one can obtain a perfect tan she has always wanted by just merely going to a tanning salon. However, although indoor tanning is a booming business in the United States, generating estimated revenues in excess of $5 billion a year, several skin specialists, including WHO (World Health Organization) says tanning beds could be responsible for an epidemic of skin cancer in the future because teens love to tan. ( In Canada, the National Cancer Institute estimated that doctors will detect more than 80,000 skin cancer cases, and up to 5,000 of those will be melanoma. ( Malignant melanoma is a less common, but a potentially deadly, type of skin cancer. Melanoma has been linked to intense intermittent and long-term exposure to ultraviolet radiation during childhood or the teenage years, ( and an awful truth is that public health officials in Ontario, Canada learned that tanning salons were even catering to children as young as eight. ( In light with this, this study will find out if indoor tanning is one of the main causes of skin cancer of minors and if there are other side effects of this. Also, this study will give rise to a supposition if it is recommended to be used by people who are below 18 years of age. This will also discuss further the current Bylaw Regulating Tanning Facilities and if this law is enough to defend the teenagers out there on the possible hazards of indoor tanning. Basking under the sun has been one of the favorite past times of the people especially during summer. Strolling along the beach in a stunning bikini and a perfect tan line to boot never fails to get a second glance from anyone. Nowadays, being tan is already becoming a fashion statement that almost everyone is dying to achieve the sexy tan lines they get from
SWOT Analysis Case Study HCA Hospital Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
SWOT Analysis HCA Hospital - Case Study Example This is strength to the hospital as it enables it to receive favorable interest rates from the bond market (Carmelo, 2013). With favorable interests from bonds, the hospital can be able to issue the new proposed bond of $80 million easily to refinance the previous bond and get the extra $10 million to purchase and update its medical equipment. Another of the hospital is that, the hospital has a large measure of stability even during hard times, hence gaining credibility to its management team by the rating agencies. This then is another reason that makes the hospital’s bonds to receive favorable interests in the market, hence can be reissued for better interests to settle the outstanding bonds and the balance be used to buy medical equipment required to update the hospital’s equipment standard. The hospital faces serious financial problems that it needs to update its technology in order to deliver quality services to the patients especially at the diagnostic and surgical departments. Given that the hospital is a non-profit making, it tends to collect less funds that may not be able to be enough for such equipment and the running of the hospital at large. The fact that the hospital is located in a metropolitan area is a strategic opportunity to enable it receive and serve as many people as possible in order to make it achieve its core goals and objectives. Being that many area residents do not have healthcare coverage and do not qualify for the Medicaid program, the hospital then exploits this opportunity to provide services to this classes of people in order to meet its mission of free medical services and non-profit making. The hospital, however, is faced with a threat of the high healthcare costs that has been contributed to by a nationwide shortage of nurses as well as family practice doctors. This is a threat in that, the hospital in its endeavors must be facing hard time to hire both doctors and
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Difficult Campaign Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Difficult Campaign - Speech or Presentation Example I am the one who grew up and spent all of my life in this neighborhood. I went to the school not as famous and considered as one of the best institutions around town, like the one my opponent running for the mayor has attended. Instead, I attended local public school and then joined a state college to further my studies. It was a place where I learned my values from my two loving parents i.e. mother and father. This is a place where I learned that it’s not your name what matters but what you get done. This is the place that taught me that one usually gets more done if he is working with the people than fighting with them. Last but not the least, it also taught me that one should always be prepared to bring a real difference in people’s lives by taking on tough fights and challenges and that is what matters the most. I would like to announce that if I am elected as a mayor, I will seize this opportunity to address the challenges of this hometown. I will try my best to re vamp the education system. Having worked with children, I personally feel that education system is the most important area to focus upon and to work hard for its improvement. I have also noticed that many of our school teachers are leaving and I believe it is because the high cost of living that is driving them away as they are not able to cope up with high living standards as compared to others. Moreover, there are other challenges too, for instance, increased traffic in our hometown is one of the most distressing problems as it makes difficult to get around. Therefore, if I am elected as a mayor, I will fix this problem and green technology can then lead the way. I will also try to install trolley rails around town going to and from popular places in our town. I will further try to make transport easier for the tourists and commuters by providing them with â€Å"rent-a-bike†stations for using bikes which will be located throughout the town. Not only this, but ferry service would also be provided to ease transportation. My Dad accomplished many things in his career and throughout his life and accomplishments, I learned something fundamental from him i.e. public service matters and people matters therefore value people! I am always very proud of my family name and my father’s legacy. However, this does not mean that I will stand for a Mayor on my father’s abilities but, I stand for Mayor based on the record of services that I provided to the people of Eugene Oregon. When it comes to my personal record, I have been arrested once for possession of a pot but was released later without trial for lack of evidence. However, this is all part of a life’s journey and is laced with ups and downs. At present, I have become well to do through part ownership of a used car lot and a chain of hair dressing. Furthermore, I have five times been selected by the people of this town for two of the most important offices in this town i.e. Town Attorney and Chief Fiscal Officer. Both jobs have prepared me in a unique way for the job I seek today. I believe I have the perfect experience where it counts the most. I am proud of my record but I still think that I am not done yet. There are still many goals and challenges to be tackled and worked upon, and as a Mayor I will keep on offering new ideas. However, we can work together on the issues we are currently facing in Eugene Oregon. We CAN improve our education systems and we CAN reduce traffic to make this town a better place to live. I
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Legal Underpinnings of Business Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Legal Underpinnings of Business Law - Assignment Example The business does not enjoy a distinguished legal entity from the owner of the business otherwise referred to as the entrepreneur in other professional terms. When the business sustains liabilities and debts, the owner is personally liable. Furthermore, if Tinker’s Home Security Service breaches a pre-agreed contract with one of the associates such as a supplier, then the associate has the legal permission to sue the owner of the business and hold him responsible for gross misconduct. Personal assets of the owner among them land, car, home, and other personal possessions are always at risk in case of a lawsuit. In contrast to Tinker’s Home Security Service, the other forms of business namely; Tinker and Tailor’s Home Security Service, LLC (LLC), Tinker and Tailor’s Home Security Service, Inc (corporation), Tinker and Tailor’s Home Security Service (LP), as well as Tinker and Tailor’s Home Security Service (general partnership) have a spate legal entity different from the owners. As opposed to sole proprietorship, if the court of law of legal authority with oversight roles finds any of them liable for gross misconduct, the plaintiff in the case has limited permission to recover from the assets owned by the business. The case is only different where there are exceptions. However, it is essential to identify that in spite of the limited legal freedoms enjoyed by sole proprietorship, it entails several advantages. The only escape through which the owner of Tinker’s Home Security Services can escape unscathed from a law suit is by seeking for the best legal advice. It is crucial especially when the business is defending itself against a lawsuit by a plaintiff in the case. One of the greatest opportunities is that attorneys are not necessary in such scenarios. The success of the case or the defence depends on the presentation of facts and the prevailing circumstances. Seeking professional assistance by the owner of
Monday, September 23, 2019
Marketing and Sports Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Marketing and Sports - Research Paper Example While the world of business is trying to find a competitive benefit, the world of sports is welcoming the funds proposed. There are many hazards of sports marketing in the world of business. The Nike University and Art Modells contracts give various lessons to the people and companies in sports marketing (Cashman and Michael, pp. 11). If one is related with racially prejudiced statements, domestic violence and showing violence to the superiors, he or she stands to be defeated more than sports marketing making him to gain. Researching and understanding various individual people or companies who want to sponsor is a critical issue. There is no marketing plan termed to be fool proof. According to Mullinand William (pp. 1), other people feel bitter about the people in sports taking corporate funds. In the last twenty five years, prodigious things have emerged in sports due to the money issued. On the other hand, sports have come to pay shares for the companies that have spent on sports marketing. Nike Company focuses on every single spectator using their merchandises. In conclusion, sports marketing have gone into bigger companies budgets in the world. The stakes are increasing so that they can be in the gameand this may lead to diminishing returns. The way a consumer relates sports and business is very essential. Various athletes and sports rely mostly on endorsements and
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Putting Up a Restaurant Essay Example for Free
Putting Up a Restaurant Essay The business will be located along national road at Mabini Home Site Cabanatuan City where as all the necessary amenities are easy to access like water from NAWASA, Electricity from CELCOR and the location has a good drainage system whereas , flooding is not a problem. 3. Brief Description of the project The project is about putting up a Golden bakeshop. The proponent of this study was able to identify the needs for a good quality of products particularly the needs of bakeshop with bar. The site where the propose project will be strategically located and is accessible to all target customers and it is situated at Barangay Mabini Home Site. The proposed business is accessible to all types of transportation and approximately 50 meters from Residents, Cabanatuan City 300 meters from Wesleyan University Philippines. The nearest indirect competitors are 1 km away from the place of proposed project. Consequently averages of 1,500 customers are expected to be the clients per month, this will include teachers and students from the school . The business will give him/her an average of 26% net income annually. Initial capital requirement is estimated at P 990,086.00. It will be managed by the owner he/she will perform as manager and cashier. She/he will be assisted by 4 staff, and one baker Since the researchers focus on developing and extending services to people who loves to dine and assist them this business is perfect for them to established golden bakeshop and the business establishment will bear the trade name â€Å"Golden Bakeshop†4. Project Summary 1. Market Feasibility This proposed project would be established to provide the needs of the people for good quality pastry services. The owner sees Barangay Mabini HomeSite, Cabanatuan City as a good site to put up a bakeshop because its accessibility to target customers. This project would be profitable because the bakeshop will be located at a place where there are lots of target customers. residents will favor in this kind of business,. The Golden Bakeshop is perfect for the students and residents who love pastries The proposed business supplies will be getting from Cabanatuan City Public market and Sangitan Market whereas it is known to offer raw materials and foods that are fresh and its low prices 2. Technical Feasibility Bakeshop will be established to provide the quality bakeshop needs of the people of Cabanatuan. The proposed business would be equipped with the needed structures and facilities to provide a better place for the convenience of the target customers. It is expected that with plan problems being encountered by consumers like low quality of bakeshop services will be solved. 3. Management Feasibility Partnership is a kind of organization the business will adopt. By this kind of organization, it is easy for the owner to control the business. Employees shall be receive enough and decent salaries. During holidays, each employee shall be granted a double pay work. Employees shall work in a 6 days basis so that they will enjoy one day of their day off. Likewise employees shall be received a Christmas bonus. The type of business organization will be a line type organization. The policies of the organizational indicated based on the salary given to the employee, the benefits they will received, there working hours and the hours of break for regular meal and the proper uniform during work. 4. Financial Feasibility Source of fund will come from the owner of the business. He or she will provide the total amount of fund needed to start the business. The total project cost is estimated P 990,086.00 who will be provided by the owner the amount include the pre-operating expenses working capital requirement and operating expenses for the said project. Based on the 5-year financial projection made by the owner ROI payback period is 3years. 5. Socio Economic Impact The proposed business will benefit the government, consumes, and the owner. The government will benefit from the taxes the business will pay, consumers will now be free to choose which a bakeshop will provide best service and finally the owner will profit through to income it will generate from the business. The proposed business will pay the taxes that may be due to the government. And provide income for those who will get employed II. Introduction/ Background of the Study 2.1 Introduction The proposed business on this study is too engaged on the operations of the restaurant with bar. The business is to intent to elevate the quality of the food services in terms of restaurants industry. The potential investor will provide the proper capital budget for the smooth operations of the business and the continuous operations. The investor chooses the location of Mabini Home Site Cabanatuan City on the grounds that the area was accessible in all kinds of vehicles and it is easy to transport or rather there lots of commuters with in the area of the projects. In reality the propose business is not new on the market impact the food services industry can considered as among the major or rather one of the leading industry in the economy. The dictate of the environments such as ready to eat on the grounds most of the people were lack on the preparations of their food because of the everyday work and lack of time to spend on that matters. Aside from the above reason the different occasion and other business meeting can easy to manage in one place were fo od were available and some recreations for the smooth closings of the transactions. On these common reasons the needs and the demand on this business have an opportunity on the market. As the students of the Hotel and Restaurants Managements the present study serve as an information and additional knowledge for the improvements and progress of the professions that become useful not only as an academic purposes but most of all as the guidance or rather information for the future performance for better and rendering quality business in the connections of the chosen professions. B.Objectives The central problem of this study is the evaluation of the viability of establishing Golden Bakeshop , a bakeshop in Mabini Homesite in Cabanatuan City. B.Objectives General: The main objective of this study is to determine the viability and feasibility of the proposed venture. Specifically, objectives from the point of view of the four functional areas of management are as follows. 1. Marketing: a. To identify the demand and supply in establishing Bakeshop in order to determine the market share. b. To obtain sufficient understanding of Bakeshop industry in order to strategically position the company in the market. c. To get hold of an understanding about the target clients in order to efficiently and satisfactorily satisfy their needs of, wants and expectations on bakeshop Business. 2. Technical/Production: a. To determine and expound the optimum processing method appropriate to the magnitude of the market. b. To know the technical requirements in the establishment of bakeshop Business c. To obtain sufficient knowledge of regulations and standards governing bakeshop Business. 3. Organizational and Management: a. To design organizational set-up that is best suited for the proposed project. b. To determine the number and qualifications of people required to manage the project effectively. 4. Financial: a. To make an estimate of the amount of initial investment required to execute the project. b. To present projected financial statements of the proposed venture for the next five years. c. To asses the profitability, liquidity and stability of the proposed business enterprise. C. Significance of the Study This research work is deemed significant to the following person: This study will be valuable to those aspiring businessman who are looking for a good venture which does not require huge capital to start a business. To the readers of this research it will serve as a guide and basis to seek information about this venture. For the researchers this study served as an experience and evaluation of what they learned in four years of studying. 2.2 Operational Definitions of Terms: Bakeshop. It is a place where a pastries is made and served . Baker. He or she is expert in making pastries Food. A simple defined as any matter eaten by man to sustain safe and nourish the body. Kitchen Staff. Helps cooks, chefs to prepare foods. Menu. Lists of dishes or to be readily served Mixed drinks. Drinks or beverages mixed into other ingredients to make it one ready to drinks like tequila sunrise, where the ingredients are vodka juice, tanduay rhum. Restaurant. Is a place where refreshments or foods are ready to serve, a public room for people who wants ready to meals. Sale. Exchange of property or services for a determined amount of money of its equivalent, the act of selling. Waiter/waitress. The one who take the customers order. Serve foods and e drinks, and prepared itemize checks. They also often accept payments; they must be quick and efficient but must be also patient with customers.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Role Of The Modern Spectator Theatre Essay
The Role Of The Modern Spectator Theatre Essay Society considers art as a reflection of what is happening in the world, as well as the different types of personalities that people portray. Consequently, society expects that the modern spectator go beyond merely sharing the artists experiences to interpret for him or herself the meaning of these. The cathartic role of the modern spectator has thus been reduced, as he or she is no longer the passive participant, seated in a theater hall or cinema, merely watching a piece of art. Instead, he or she has been made to take up an active role of learning from the works of art, in order to create change for him or her and the society as a whole. The discussion includes what is meant by the cathartic role of the modern spectator, how it has diminished in the new form of theater, and whether it is possible for him or her to reclaim it. 1 Eva Berczeller. The Aesthetic Feeling and Aristotles Catharsis Theory. The Journal of Psychology 65, (1967): 261-71. 2 Esta Powell. Catharsis in psychology and beyond: a historic overview. Accessed 13 January 2011 http://primal- Schultz and Schultzs definition of catharsis considers it as a psychic process where unconscious thoughts and feelings are made conscious, therefore, allowing the individual to express himself in manner that can be understood.3. Similarly, Szczeklik considers catharsis from as a technique by which an individual lets go of his emotions which are related to unpleasant experiences in the past.4 Aristotle considered catharsis as the process by which spectators set themselves free from the emotions that a piece of art triggers in them, such that they obtain relief and a sense of inner peace. In other words, experiencing catharsis had moral and ethical implications because it helped to moderate passions and strong emotions, therefore restoring the balance in ones life. The pleasure of releasing ones emotions resulted in a relief from disturbances such as pity and fear. He saw catharsis as aiming at creating a nice and gratifying feeling of relief to the spectator. Evidently, the word catharsis takes on different meanings in different fields of knowledge, but what these definitions have in common are the aspects of cleansing or purging, releasing of emotions brought about by a persons experiences. Esta Powell affirms this by saying that, catharsis takes different forms but its essence remains the same, since it is a release from some burden (either physical or mental) and bring s healing through its purging effect. 5 Consequently, the underlying notion of purging that has made scholars acknowledge catharsis as a healing, cleansing, and transforming experience, a technique that can be used to bring about a therapeutic change. ______________ 3 Esta Powell. Catharsis in psychology and beyond: a historic overview, Accessed 13 January 2011 http://primal- 4 Andrzej Szczeklik. Catharsis: on the art of medicine. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2005 5 Duane Schultz and Sydney Schultz A history of modern psychology. Belmont, ca: Wadsworth/Thompson. 2004. In the sphere of theater, catharsis is used to refer to any discharge of emotions; in this case, an audience releases his or her emotions while watching a drama in any suitable method and channel. The spectator therefore has a role to play in theater, in that; he or she is deemed to express the emotions aroused by theatric activities. How does catharsis occur in theatre? According to Esta Powell, artists use different strategies to trigger strong emotional displays in their audiences. Many artists use the effect of surprise and unexpectedness to bring about catharsis. For example, in the Greek tragedy Oedipus rex, Oedipus experiences catharsis when he feels culpable of murdering his father, marrying his mother, who later commits suicide and the loneliness he feels as a result. 7 Scheff believes that human beings strive to engage in activities that will enable them free themselves from hurtful emotional experiences, and therefore obtain a sense of calm. He gives the example of a spectator who cries about a character who dies in a play. This, he notes, is simply a reawakening of feelings of loss in the viewers life and he or she is reliving unresolved personal experiences. He explains this by saying that theater provides for the audience a safe distance from personal experiences. This is because the social environment of a theater lessens the effect of emotions arising from unpleasant events, as the audience believes that an individual is sympathizing with a play character and not with himself.9 ____________ 7 Esta Powell. Catharsis in psychology and beyond: a historic overview, accessed 13 January 2011 http://primal- 8 Andrzej Szczeklik, Catharsis: on the art of medicine. Chicago: (The University of Chicago Press, 2005). 9 Thomas Scheff Catharsis in healing, ritual, and drama. Lincoln, ne:(, 2001). However, the cathartic role of the spectator has diminished due to modernism. The two major personalities, who have opposed the norms of traditional theater and called for a revolution in its practices, are Bertolt Brecht and Antonin Artaud. Tuirenn Hurstfield notes that theater artists Bertolt Brecht and Antonin Artaud were both frustrated by the traditional theaters illusions of imitating reality. In retaliation, they advocated for change. Artaud, feeling the idea of theatre had been lost, moved towards his theatre of cruelty while Brecht, refuting the drama of his time as still following Aristotles idea of catharsis, moved towards a non-Aristotelian mode of theater.10 In what he calls a new form of theater, that is, epic theater. Brecht argues that the spectator is no longer just an observer, but also an actor. Brecht distinguishes this situation from that of what he calls dramatic theatre, or in other words, Aristotles view of theatre, where the spectator is merely an observer, sharing the experience of the actor. He considers catharsis as a way of bringing about greater social change. Pericles Lewis affirms this by saying that Brechts idea of epic theater appealed to reason rather than the expression of emotions and sought to turn the spectator into an observer, who stands aside, separates himself from the action of the play, and studies it. In this respect, what Brecht was doing was to stand against a dominant tradition in theater, which aimed to have the spectator involved in and sharing the experience of the play. In addition, Brecht was against identification or sympathy between the spectators and the actors, which was characteristic of Aristotles idea of catharsis. _____________ 10 Hurstfield Tuirenn, Bertolt Brecht and Antonin Artauds revolutionary theatre practices, last modified Aug 28, 2008, 11 Pericles Lewis, The Cambridge Introduction to modernism Cambridge: (Cambridge Press, 2007).193- 194. Pericles Lewis notes that Brecht advocates for a separation between the spectator and the action of the play as well as its characters, so that he is able to reflect on his theatric experience in a rational manner, void of the influence of emotions. In other words, Brecht maintained that the spectators experience should not stop with the emotional reaction that the play elicits, but should cause a distanced reflection based on that emotional reaction. 12 In conclusion, it appears then, that the modern spectator cannot reclaim his or her cathartic role, since scholars place more emphasis on what moral lessons the theatric activities can offer him or her, other than the emotional relief. This is difficult for the modern spectator because we are not only rational but also emotional beings. Creating a balance between the two aspects of human existence puts the modern spectator in a dilemma, as he cannot ignore the feelings that a theatric spectacle elicits in him. At the same time, he has to reflect on the didactic intentions of the artist or the creator of the play. The modern spectator has to see beyond the feelings he has of the action as well as the characters in the play, and consider the social or political action that he is supposed to take because of his emotional reaction. In other words, the sentiments that any piece of art elicits in the spectator should serve as motivation for him to implement the lessons learnt. They should assist him in bringing about the so desired social and political changes in our world today; otherwise, art will have failed in its ultimate role. ________________ 12 Pericles Lewis, The Cambridge Introduction to modernism Cambridge: (Cambridge University Press, 2007). 191.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Roles and Responsibilities of a PE Teacher
Roles and Responsibilities of a PE Teacher QCA (2007) states that a range of activities is needed to be carried out in schools for pupils to become physically active learning new skills that will help with their personal development. It is important for students to understand skills and decision making and understanding how to improve. It is important to be educated in physical activity at a young age in order to carry on with a healthy life-style. Physical Education is not just important in the curriculum for sport it has social benefits too as working together in different roles prepares pupils for future careers. Secondary Physical Education teachers are at the heart of providing the foundations to deliver a good curriculum due to teaching in their own secondary school and also their partnered primary schools as there is a shortage of specialist PE teachers in primary schools (Green, 2008). The Every Child Matters model states that there are five elements that every child has the right to experience. stay safe, be healthy, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution and achieve economic well-being (The Association for Physical Education, 2008) schools throughout the country have a different intake of pupils with different needs whilst critiquing the national curriculum Green (2000) suggests that the National Curriculum does not account for what type of school and which pupils would be in your class therefore planning is highly important of every single PE lesson. Teacher have to be fully inclusive to provide for a wide range of abilities in their class, planning is of the upmost importance to provide a fully inclusive lesson (Block, 2002) Every Child Matters and this should be at the very centre of all planning and at the forefront of every Physical Education teachers minds (The Association for Physical Education, 2008). Planning is paramount and is an important responsibility of any teacher because they must gain an understanding of what will actually occur during a lesson (Macfadyen and Bailey, 2002). However, it is argued that unforeseeable situations arise during physical education lessons therefore a teacher needs to have the skills to think on the spot this is gained through experience (Green, 2008). This statement was supported by Macfadyen (2010) stating that planning in too much depth takes away an important teaching skill of improvisation. It is important to understand that planning provides an inclusive curriculum, without planning and differentiation this would simply not happen (Johnson, 2007). Teachers have to have the skill and be responsible for fully inclusive provision for a wide range of abilities in their class planning is of the upmost importance to provide this; however, it has been suggested that physical education teachers often lack the ability to adapt tasks to include SEN s tudents (Block, 2002). This may be through a lack of experience as only in recent years many pupils with disabilities have been moving into mainstream schools and it is the duty of a PE teacher to provide equal opportunities for all participants (Fitzgerald, 2006 cited Green, 2008:187). This is supported by Lieberman and Huston-Wilson, (2002) who state that 93 percent of SEN children are based in mainstream schools. As teachers of PE we have to plan SEN pupils personnel and equipment. It has become apparent that some teachers in this country are not providing a fully inclusive curriculum with regards to SEN students (Block, 2002). In relation to the increase of SEN students in mainstream schools statistics from National Centre for Educational Statistics (2005) states that in the last 30 years EAL students have increased in our schools by 161% (cited Causton-Theoharis et al., 2008: 382). Many EAL students have different cultures and attitudes toward PE that may prevent them from performing. It is therefore the responsibility of the P.E teacher to plan strategies and use communication skills to include EAL students. Another consideration for all teachers is providing for Gifted and Talented students. First the PE teacher needs the skill to identify a gifted student and then ways in which they can be kept engaged during lessons and promote them to elite sporting success (Bailey Morley, 2010). Even though it is positive that certain students with additional needs are catered for by preplanning there tends to be a negative effect on the majority of students in the class. This is because our attention as a teacher gets focused predominantly on the students with the additional needs (Causton-Theoharis, 2008). Planning and risk assessment co-inside with one another in order provide a safe place to work (Macfadyen, 2010). Physical education teachers show high skills when risk assessment becomes routine practice (Shewry, 2008 cited Whitlam, 2010:173). PE teachers must see an event such as injury and danger before it takes place, furthermore physical education teachers must have the skills to prevent a risk without impeding on the students learning (Whitlam, 2010). When pupils take part in practical Physical Education the environment should be safe to exercise and the activity should be carried out safely (Whitlam, 2010). With relation to the National Curriculum this provides students with the underlying knowledge to carry safe and effective exercise on their own away from the classroom (QCA, 2007). An expected role of all teachers is that they are required to be reflective practitioners and evaluate on their own teaching and the learning of pupils as a means of ensuring the intended outcomes are met (Causton-Theoharis, 2008). In order to develop and deliver a curriculum that allows for all pupils to be included and make progress, it is the responsibility of the teacher to examine the needs of the pupils in their class and to adapt their lessons accordingly (Armour, 2010). The teachers with the most success are those who take it as their responsibility to act upon what happened during their class by using reflective strategies. The characteristics of the pupils could not be blamed such as behaviour due to home-life part by the way in which the teacher handles the class reflecting will improve the learning experience and curriculum delivery (James et al., 2007). Furthermore without reflective practice teacher will not gain experience to get across better teaching of the national curriculum (Keay, 2006). Upon critiquing the National Curriculum, reflection is a very important responsibility of the PE teacher, as the teacher is still a learner. The National Curriculum states that evaluating and improving is a key process (QCA, 2007). All people should be able to analyse, evaluate and improve therefore teachers should demonstrate this to. Assessments are a means of obtaining information to find out what level students have achieved. PE teachers need to have analysis skills such as observation to carry this out (Green, 2008). It is an ongoing and never ending process that PE teacher need to continuously develop throughout their career (Casbon and Spackman, 2005). There are two forms of assessment; summative and formative (Green, 2008). The debate has risen in resent modern day Physical Education arguing that teachers should move away from assessment of learning (summative) to assessment for learning (formative) this is because it gives to students a chance to act to improve (Frapewell, 2010). The role of a PE teacher has no difference from any other subject on the National Curriculum with regards to assessment and of high importance to Physical Education (Green, 2008). Assessment for learning has shown that students are given better direction in knowing how to improve, however, the national curriculum within PE lessons does not cater for SEN pupils as teachers are not skilled enough to grade the pupils with SEN on the attainment target criteria (Smith and Green, 2004). This is supported by Lieberman Houston-Wilson (2002) who state that PE teachers need to get speciaist advice from an adapted PE specalist before grading pupils, this therefore demonstrates a weakness in the national curriculum. Frapwell (2010) demonstrates that one important skill needed for PE teachers is that of feedback which is communicating accurate analysis. Blankenship (2008) states this will ultimately help pupils understand what they need to achieve and how they need to act to achieve the outcome (QCA, 2007). Teachers should encourage peer assessment as the national curriculum states that pupils should be able to analyse performance and identify strengths and weaknesses (QCA, 2007). Therefore it is the role of a PE teacher to provide pupils with the skills necessary for them to peer assess. One theory that suggests positive and negative aspects of peer assessment is the competence motivational theory (Harter, 1981 cited Blankenship, 2008:153) which states that feedback from a peer significantly affects the pupils perceived competence. If the peer praises perceived competence will rise, if the pupil is criticised or ignored perceived competence will full. Due to the advance of modern day technology and its affordability, the national curriculum has introduced ICT in the past ten year (Taylor, 2009). However it is debated that ICT should be a cross-curricular subject taught within other subjects as the 21st century world is dependent on it (Becta, 2003 cited Taylor, 2009:147). The National Curriculum for PE is inclusive of ICT as a way of improving performance (QCA, 2007). The use of ICT is also beneficial for pupils finding a role that best suits them in sport besides performing as well as evaluation of performance (QCA, 2007) this can be done by using player cam. As ICT is part of the National Curriculum, it is stated that PE teachers of modern education need to be ICT literate and have the skills and knowledge to use technology within their Physical Education lessons (Taylor, 2009). It was concluded by Bailey (2001) that ICT is awkward to use in PE lesson without careful planning and therefore the planning will allow for teachers to pick up the skills which they need. As a Physical Education teacher you gain further knowledge by participating in sport yourself to improve skills and be responsible to obtain help from coaches and instructors that are more experienced especially in sports and activities the teacher is weak in and take their knowledge into your physical teaching practice. (Carle, 2010) This can help provide good teaching of the national curriculum as pupils have a chance of experiencing a range of activities giving them a greater chance to see what type of activity best suits them. If the teacher understands the sporting technique then pupils are able to refine their own (QCA, 2007). Teachers however, do not have a full understanding of the subject but must act with the best interests of their students (Armour, 2010). Bailey (2001) takes this idea one step further by stating teachers are forever developing subject knowledge, subject knowledge is not the most important skill having the ability to plan is the key to successful teaching. Whilst delivering and planning for a Physical Education lesson Grossman (1990) suggests teachers need to understand four categories before teaching. They need to have an understanding of the topic, students understanding and performing in PE, how it relates the national curriculum and finally the strategies in which they can deliver the topic. However this was criticised by Green (2008) who stated that gaining experience of the teacher is more important. One important knowledge skill of a PE teacher is health knowledge that is to be able to deliver to pupils within the school setting and applied. This knowledge must be up to date, accurate and not hyped up by the media (Armour, 2010). Schools are the first place that The Government can educate and promote Public Health and Physical Education Curriculum is seen to be an ideal place to start (Allensworth et al. 1997). This is supported by Sallis and McKenzie (1991) stating school physical education is seen as an ideal site for the promotion of regular physical activity. Moreover this is because schools already have a captive audience in the pupils Physical Education teacher have the responsibility to provide free of charge opportunities to educate children in health issues (Fox, 1992). One modern problem the nation faces and is the responsibility of PE teachers to tackle is obesity, physical education teacher can play in the treatment of obesity at school (Ward and Bar-Or, 1986) The primary role of physical education is to develop the need for lifelong physical activity (NASPE, 2004: cited Blankenship, 2008:300). This was supported by Shephard and Trudeau (2000) as they consider the most important goal of PE is the long-term health of students. Health related exercise the area of the curriculum which includes the teaching of knowledge, understanding, physical competence and behavioural skills, this is aimed for pupils to understand and create a desire to carry out a healthy life style and be confident to continue participation in physical activity (Harris, 2000). Health related teaching is now an established and statutory component of the National Curriculum for PE in England this there for states it is a legal responsibility of a PE teacher (Carle, 2000). Furthermore, if teachers have the skills to create a positive impact on their pupil during lessons then life-long participation maybe created (Carle, 2000). The Social Learning theory by Bandura (1978) states that students model the behaviour of their teachers and copy reinforced behaviours social learning theory by Bandura (1978). Role modelling as a PE teacher is seen to be an essential skill for PE teachers to attract pupils to participate in life-long physical activity, this is supported by Hopper (2005) shows that primary school teachers tend to push pupils away from Physical Education however secondary school teachers have the specialist personal qualities to deliver the curriculum. The discussion continues Green (2008) stating that showing their love and passion for sport will attract children to continue sport, this applies to a national curriculum aim. In opposition having a love of the sport is not enough teachers need to gain the respect of the students building confidence, social skills, and self-esteem by role modelling in this way students will be more willing to access the curriculum opportunities (Comer 1988). One problem PE teachers experience is communication and therefore becoming friendly with the pupils this leads to discipline issues rather than positive role modelling (Bailey, 2001). This was supported Larson (2006) stating a number of personal qualities have also been associated with it teacher such as enthusiasm, sense of humour, approachability, patience, impartiality, open-mindedness, empathy, ability to be a good communicator and organiser and also be caring towards pupils. A good way in which PE teachers create inter-personal relationships is through extra-curricular clubs (Bailey, 2001). one responsibility of the PE teacher is to provide extracurricular clubs by providing the opportunity before school at lunchtimes and after-school (Green, 2008) the national curriculum states that people should be given the opportunity to participate in and beyond school (QCA, 2007) Physical Education has a place within schools as it is a way in which social cohesion can be brought about as we see the behaviour of pupils improving within the School and social community (Armour, 2010). Furthermore the study by Green (2000) states that a role of the PE teacher it is to promote the social skills during their lessons. Green (2000) suggests this is an unwritten part of the national curriculum however open to critiquing the national curriculum in our state that social well-being is an important outcome of physical education. To conclude it has come apparent that planning is the fundamentals that underpin all the roles and responsibilities of a PE teacher. However reflection is a key responsibility so teachers are able to plan and improve their delivery of the national curriculum. It has become clear from the research highlighted that the main role of Physical education in the nation curriculum is to provide a healthy life style which pupils can use in their adult life and to promote social well being for pupils to become good citizens.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Poetry of Kingsley Amis and Philip Larkin Essay -- Biography Biogr
The Poetry of Kingsley Amis and Philip Larkin  In reading poetry, from many different genres, its seems that politically motivated verse seems to dominate, next to love that is. It also seems that poets have a desire to live in a different time, a different place. No one ever seems to be content with the condition of their world, yet, I suppose that is in the nature of humans. We all want something better or something from the past that we can't have. Wither it be the simplicity, the passion, the technology that we don't have, the peace that once was or the greatness that has long been gone, poets that are political in nature suggest a very personal, yet pervading utopia. Two poets who, political in nature, that were born in the same year, lived in the same part of the world, and who attending the same college prove to be an interesting contrast to one another. Kingsley Amis and Philip Larkin are both natives of England and are considered 'Modernists', but what they suggest isn't a "better place" or a different time. Their wo rk represents a change in attitude, from looking at what isn't to looking at reality and what is.      Of course, each of these poets has a different perspective, for there is not one single motive, desire or drive that can be defined as the essence of life. One cannot describe someone's work as being all or none of this or of that. What is interesting, though, is the subjective nature each poet has in their view of life and how that is portrayed in their poetry. Each one has a unique quality that sets them apart from the rest and each has characteristics that provide the reader with clues as to their perspective on life.          In reviewing the poetry of Amis, one can’t help but read Again... ... Larkin, Philip. Collected Poems. Victoria: The Marvell Press; London: Faber and Faber, 2003. Print â€Å"Philip Larkin†. Wikipedia. The Free Encyclopedia. 8 January 2009. "Larkin Study Notes." Web. 14 Apr. 2010. . "Philip Larkin." Academy of American Poets. Web. 14 Apr. 2010. . "Philip Larkin." New World Encyclopedia. 29 Aug. 2008. Web. 14 Apr. 2010. .
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
California Gold Rush Essay -- American History
There have been many discoveries that have shaped our nation as a whole. Discoveries have allowed our country to thrive and become one of the most powerful nations in the world. When we look back at our nation's rich history, it is clear to see that there was one discovery in particular that had a vast impact on the United States; the discovery was gold in California. It was in this vastly unoccupied territory that the American dream was forever changed and California emerged as a powerful state busting at the seams. The California Gold Rush shaped California into the state that it is today. California is defined by its promise of entrepreneurial success and its acceptance and encouragement of obtaining the American Dream. During the late 1840's California did not show much promise or security. It had an insecure political future, its economic capabilities were severely limited and it had a population, other than Indians, of less than three thousand people. People at this time had no idea of what was to come of the sleepy state in the coming years. California would help boost the nation's economy and entice immigrants to journey to this mystical and promising land in hopes of striking it rich. In 1839 a man by the name of John Sutter arrived in California. Sutter appeared to be somewhat of a drifter, and had failed to establish himself before arriving in California. However, in the land of great promise, he planned to establish an empire for himself. Sutter was granted eleven square leagues, or 50, 000 acres, in the lower Sacramento area. This was a common land grant for the times. Sutter got to work and began to improve his land. He went on to build a fort, accumulated over 12,000 cattle and hired hundreds of workers to hel... ... of official or meaningful government was established. The gold was easily accessible and there were no restrictions on the methods or terms of its use. This created economical problems within the state. While the gold was plentiful, there was a lack of other supplies and necessities. "Food was hard to come by in anything but hard tack -- and stuff like jerky and dried beef. Fresh vegetables were very rare." California was becoming known for its entrepreneurial opportunities; soon many were coming to California, not to work in the mining filed, rather to set up business and cater to the mining communities. Soon there were saloons, hotels, and red light districts spread throughout San Francisco and outer mining communities. Women who were forced to rely on men to support them back home, came to California and were able to work and support themselves in these towns.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
ModMeters Case Essay
I believe that ModMeters Company understands their IT value. Each department should realize how IT can minimize their workload and would help benefit the company as a whole. ModMeters should look at where is IT valued; mainly, it is valued through their employees, customer satisfaction, revenue, cash flow, and order process. Each department would be required to go through training, so they would know benefits of technology, adapt to new ways of working, and be able to inform customers of new products and services that ModMeters are offering. This will help ModMeters move forward to the next level in expanding internationally to other countries. ModMeters had identified opportunities for the company IT system to reengineer the infrastructure of their current system and PC’s. CIO Brian Smith should create a portfolio approach for other programs, resources, and funding for different type of projects (systems) enabling different types of opportunities that could reengineer or repl ace the current system. I think that ModMeters would go a long way in formalizing where and how they will choose to invest their IT funds. The executive board at ModMeters are would like to see a conversion in IT, this will give them access to training in what their business goals and processes are, emphasis on organizational and knowledge barriers, and multifunctional change management. Brian Smith should plan a value-realization phase for the IT project, measure outcomes against any expected or unexpected results, have provisions for acting on new opportunities to leverage value, and look to eliminate root causes of problems when implementing the IT value. When Brain Smith presents his ideas to the executive board he should have a clear and defined portfolio that will give an overall view of ModMeters IT department. Brian will identify and prioritize IT opportunities by its value, track projects as they are being developed. The mechanisms would optimize enterprise value through tactical, strategic, and infrastructure project. Next, the organization should look at the chunks of value that has a significant transformational and strategic impact on the organization. ModMeters also should adopt a holistic orientation to technology value. Upon implementing this principle ModMeters would adopt a systemic approach to value, contribute to perceived business value, where technology is not view as isolation, interactions, and impacts. ModMeters as a whole should indulge in a joint ownership of the technology initiatives, meaning all employees will develop a business support for IT and its staff. Finally, experiment more often with the company; however, I don’t think that ModMeters executive staff would approve, because of the lack of funding for the IT department. I do recommend that they keep their systems current and up to date with the latest technology. In the past ModMeters didn’t have a fancy website that was appealing to consumers but they had automated systems for every aspect of the business. Presently, ModMeters have punch cards and computers from every era. Surprisingly, Brain Smith hasn’t tried to sway the executive staff of improving the IT department; instead, all have is layered systems on top of each other, a diagram of all the interactions among their systems that makes them look unorganized. Going along to the future I think that ModMeters should invest in new equipment for their employees with updated technology. Also, ModMeters are to use one system for all departments and a company as a whole locally and globally. For the future I th ink every executive would see a difference in when reports for auditors, this system would be acceptable for all departments making their workload much easier. This would be a challenge to ModMeters CIO Brain Smith when implementing these strategies. In Brain portfolio he will discuss the critical success factors for ModMeters which would be the best way to expand globally. The first factor would be to revisit the company’s business model which could have changed over the years. This would provide a broader understanding how the business as whole works, and how the company strategies can be developed to articulate how the company would deliver that value in a unique way. The second factor would be to have strategic themes, this how programs are crafted that focuses on developing specific business capabilities. The third factor is getting the right people involved, meaning every member in the organization getting on board to participate, bringing in new ideas, and giving negative or positive feedback. The final factor is working in partnership with the business, combining both IT and business together to work closely together to achieve the company’s goals and objectives. ModMeters business improvement is what the co mpany needs when reengineering initiative to help streamline their processes and save substantial amounts of money by eliminating unnecessary or duplicate activities. I suggest that Brain Smith scrounge money for skunkworks, which would show growing recognition of potential value of experiments in helping the company prepare for the future. Our goal is to plan and budget cycles more frequently than once a year or have the funds available on a needed basis. The challenge for ModMeters CIO would be poorly integrated processes for developing IT and business strategies, unbalanced strategic/tactical initiatives, and weak strategizing skills in the workplace. The ModMeters Company will be required to attend training sessions, to ensure each employee understand the important elements of effective communication. I believe that communication is the key to a healthy and long-term relationship. I feel that the executive staffs are overseeing their departments but they really don’t know the issues they are having compared to the front line workers. That why I would recommend that ModMeters use The Virtuous Communication Cycle to reinforce interpersonal communication. The obstacles to effective communication would help of every department but will benefit human resources and marketing more so than others. Lastly, ModMeters would have their own way of improving business-it communication. In closing, my opinion is to replace the current syste m with an SAP system that has enterprise resource planning which would benefit to ModMeters success.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Into the wild Essay
Fool or Hero? Into the Wild is a book about a young man named Christopher Johnson McCandless, who had a very bright future but threw it all away by hiking into Alaska unprepared and alone. Chris McCandless can be labeled a hero, somebody to be admired or a fool. He can be called a hero because he showed people through his own actions how to live free and not be controlled. He can be called a fool because he had a good education and a bright future but he chose to go unprepared into the wilderness and risk his life and eventually die. In April of 1992 Chris who grew up in a well to do family, decided that he wanted to hitchhike to Alaska and walk alone in the wilderness of Mt. Mckinley. Before Chris decided to do this he had a nice future ahead him. He graduated with honors from Emory University in the summer of 1990. Chris was smart and he was an elite athlete. Right after he graduated he disappeared. â€Å"What no one knew- was that he would shortly donate all the money in his college fund to Oxfam America, a charity dedicated to fighting hunger†(Into the Wild: Pg. 20). He also burned all of his cash, abandoned his car and basically started his life from scratch. Chris also told the strangers he encountered that his name was Alex. Because of this his family couldn’t trace him and find him. Although Chris foolishly did go out into the wild without any experience or any method to survive he can be considered a hero/someone to be looked up to. By trying to hike in Alaska he showed people that they can live their lives however they want to, be independent and make their own decisions. Through his actions he is truly showing what independence means. No matter how many people tried to stop him from trekking in the wilds he would never give in. Chris tells Ron, a retired army veteran who he meets in his travels, â€Å" Look Mr. Franz, you don’t need to worry about me I am not destitute, I am living like this by choice†(Into the Wild, Pg. 51). He was always motivated to be independent and didn’t let anyone make decisions for him. Chris also tells Ron, â€Å"you should make a radical change in your lifestyle and begin to boldly do things which you may previously never have thought of doing, or been too hesitant to attempt†(John Krakauer, Into the Wild). By saying that he is telling Ron to explore the world, not to listen to anyone else and go wherever his heart takes him. Chris can be looked up to if they get his real message. Chris wasn’t necessarily saying people should hike to Alaska but he was saying that everyone could control their own lives. There are many reasons why Chris McCandless is a fool for both ruining his life and getting himself killed. He was a good student in school and could have had a very bright professional future, but he rejected graduate school. He was a well-known athlete so he could have had friends but he didn’t want any. He had a savings of 25,000 dollars and he just gave it away. He could have used the money to live a regular life. Instead of living life like a normal person he decided to disappear without telling his family and hike to Alaska. Even the way he travelled was foolish. When he started his hike alone his odds for surviving were already low because it’s almost impossible to hike through Alaska alone. He was even more foolish because of the lack of supplies and food. He only brought a bag of rice to eat. The gun that he brought wasn’t powerful enough to take down a grizzly bear or any bear if he saw one, so he was not able to protect himself. So Chris can be known a s a fool because he underestimated the value of education, family and didn’t prepare properly for surviving in the wilderness of Alaska. In some peoples eyes Chris is a hero and in others Chris is a fool. He got himself killed by hiking to Alaska but at the same time he was sending a positive message out to everyone. Chris is saying that â€Å"It is easy, when you are young, to believe that what you desire is no less than what you deserve, to assume that if you want something badly enough, it is your God-given right to have it†(Jon Krakauer, Into the Wild). Although the way Chris tried to prove his point made him look foolish he was only doing it for good reasons. People never understood why Chris threw away his life, but that’s because Chris only did what he wanted to and he showed us by example how to be in control of our lives.
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